How can companies compare sustainability strategies with LandGriffon?

Vizzuality Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2022

LandGriffon helps companies strategize the sustainable transformation of their supply chains by using technology, data and scientific-based analysis to manage environmental impacts. This blog is part of our methodology series. You can find more blogs on our methodology here, or head to our website and download the complete paper.

Scenario evaluation and pathway identification

LandGriffon performs impact calculations automatically on imported data (find out how in this blog). Version 0.1 of LandGriffon includes baseline indicators of environmental impacts such as water use, land use, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity loss associated with agricultural production. We provide tools for visual and quantitative analysis, exporting data, and creating forecasts or future scenarios simulating changes in procurement and impacts.

Scenario analysis involves exploring a range of futures to anticipate impacts and plan actions. LandGriffon allows the user to develop a portfolio of future actions or changes to operations and evaluates the resulting outcomes for the range of impact indicators in the tool. Scenarios can be compared, and actions identified that are likely to form a pathway to achieve a desired future state.

Companies can develop scenarios in which they can change elements of their supply chain. A user may identify the product or business area that generates the largest impact and assess how this impact could be reduced relative to the other areas.

Example of the creation of a scenario with one intervention using the LandGriffon platform. The scenario includes just an intervention for changing palm oil. In the creation of a scenario the user can also set different growth rates directly through the platform.

Growth rates and interventions.

Users can define future scenarios through a combination of growth rates and interventions. Growth rates set the expectations of how purchases of raw materials will change. In version 0.1 of LandGriffon, users can set growth rates for the entire company or for specific business units. The default growth rate is an annual linear growth of 1.5% across the whole company.

Interventions allow users to simulate changes and alternatives in sourcing. The broad action types available in version 0.1 of LandGriffon include:

  • Working with farmers to reduce environmental impact and increase yield.
  • Changing recipes or switching to new materials.
  • Sourcing the same materials from another producer with a lower environmental footprint.
Types of interventions contemplated in the creation of a scenario. Once a set of actions making up a future scenario has been defined, LandGriffon then calculates the change in impacts arising from this set of actions, which can be compared to a reference case, other scenarios, and company targets.

You can explore a sample case study in this blog. To learn more about the science and technology of LandGriffon, you can download the full methodology from our website.

Interested in what LandGriffon could do for your company?

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LandGriffon is developed by Satelligence and Vizzuality, and advised by the Stockholm Environment Institute and their Trase Initiative.

Thank you Mike Harfoot, Elena Palao, Francis Gassert and Rens Masselink for preparing the methodology.

