Spotlight 2020 by Vizzuality.

Vizzuality Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

2020 was the year of hiding at home. Retreating to our cave, reflecting on what is important and planning for the summer’s day when the pandemic ends. We want to share our reflections and hopes with you. We want to talk about some of our achievements in 2020 and acknowledge what can happen when everyone works together towards a common aim.

Spotlight 2020 by Vizzuality is for our team, our families, and the clients we work with. It’s for everyone who is committed to positive change, even in the face of adversity. Change is possible, inevitable, and now is the moment to demand more.

There is so much to be hopeful for. Renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels across most of the world. Europe has adopted a Green Deal, and the Biden Administration has rejoined the Paris Agreement. In 2021, while the pandemic continues, governments will agree to conserve great swathes of forests, oceans and critical habitats. Recovery from the pandemic looks green.

A sustainable future which for so long felt like an uphill battle now looks inevitable. Yes, there is an enormous amount of work to be done. But we believe it can be done.

Please, don’t get left behind. Join us. Let’s go faster, further, together.

With love, from All of us at Vizzuality.

In December 2019 we gathered our families for a Christmas and our 10th-anniversary celebration. We can’t wait to meet again.



Vizzuality Blog

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