The Transition Years.

An optimistic vision of our planet’s future.

Camellia Williams
Vizzuality Blog


The Transition Years is an experiment that provides insight into how we can end the current climate emergency. From grassroots initiatives to corporate and government actions, there’s evidence of efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change from across the globe. The Vizzuality team collected these actions to build an imagined timeline that depicts the collective positive impacts of global efforts. The result is an optimistic but evidence-based scenario that gives us hope for the future.

When this experiment began, we asked ourselves, “what will our future look like in the context of global change.” “What actions can slow the trend of increasing temperatures?” With each new example of citizen action, climate policy, and technological advance that we gathered, we began to see a more optimistic future. The change that’s needed to reduce carbon emissions and stabilize global temperatures is already happening.

We created this scenario before the severity of the Covid-19 crisis became apparent, therefore the as-yet-unknown impacts of it are not considered here. However, we still believe there is much to learn from the initiatives and actions highlighted by our visualisation. The consequences of the seismic shift we’ve seen in recent months, weeks, and days are a stark reminder that ‘business as usual’ isn’t good for people or the planet. It’s time to act.

View The Transition Years here.



Camellia Williams
Vizzuality Blog

Former Lead Writer at Vizzuality, for whom I wrote many of my blogs. You can now find me on LinkedIn.