Welcome, Ana!

Vizzuality Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2021

Creating a better future for our planet and society means environmental and climate action alongside social justice. Our newest Front-End Development team member, Ana Montiaga, has a wealth of experience working towards social justice. This awareness and understanding will help guide the development of the tools needed for a fair and sustainable transition.

Ana was the Executive Coordinator of the Brazilian NGO Centro Humanitário de Apoio à Mulher (CHAME) which prevents the exploitation of adult women and children. There she rose to the challenge of building a website and found her flow state in programming; she can work for hours without noticing the time pass.

Ana Montiaga Front End Developer

Ana’s attention to detail and understanding of what people enjoy has evolved with her career path, starting with a bachelor’s degree in Fashion Design and then in Sociology. She later graduated from Social Sciences and completed a Postgraduate Degree in Digital Marketing. Ana rounded off her formal education with a Frontend Bootcamp by Adalab. Passionate about integrating women into the tech job market, she then volunteered with Adalab as a job-search mentor for recent graduates.

Manoeuvring through previous sectors, Ana knew she wanted a career where her daily work creates tangible results and within a company that has real social impact. With this in mind, she set her eyes on Vizzuality. Ana strongly believes in collective intelligence and teams being aligned, which is ideal in a team where engineers, designers and scientists collaborate to create effective and beautiful platforms.

Ana complements her diverse professional life with an equally diverse range of hobbies. She regularly goes quad skating and roller dancing. To relax and express her creativity, she crochets, designs clothes, and hand makes silver jewellery. In her true systematic manner, she enjoys every step of the process from designing the pattern to sewing it. Ana also loves to experience new cultures through travel, cinema and biographies, and to embrace her own heritage as a half-Brazilian. If she finds a samba circle in Madrid, she will be in the first row!

Welcome to the team, Ana!



Vizzuality Blog

Important work, beautifully crafted. We build great user experiences for stories that matter.