Welcome, Irene!

Vizzuality Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2022

Irene aligns the vision of a project with the needs of the user. From the conception of the idea, she dives into the universe of the project to understand the fundamentals of what it is and why it’s important. She ensures the project will add value by mediating between the intention, the practical process of creation and the real-life end users. Her role ensures technological tools are connected with their human and environmental objectives.

Irene has a wealth of User Research experience. She has a PhD in Information Studies, from the University of Maryland and a User Experience certification from Nielsen Norman Group. With a diverse background in both academic research and business, she brings an invaluable understanding of user experience. Irene utilises a range of methods to understand the needs of users for each unique situation, such as conducting interviews, surveys, user tests, web analytics and facilitating workshops.

Irene is an observant and inquisitive person, demonstrated through her professional and personal life. When she is not working, Irene enjoys exploring the world of citizen science. This led her to give a TEDx talk, which invited the scientist in all of us to awaken and participate. She also enjoys learning about alternative pedagogies and how to respect each child’s unique developmental rhythm.

Invitations to our inner scientist | Irene Eleta | TEDxJardinsdeLaribal

Irene looks forward to working on projects that contribute to protecting the environment and the people that depend on it; that’s all of us! Having spent many years in academia, where it was at times difficult to see the real-life impact of projects, she is keen to see her work directly contribute to making positive impacts on our world. Irene is excited to join the Vizzuality team and be part of a community with whom she shares values. We’re excited to welcome you!



Vizzuality Blog

Important work, beautifully crafted. We build great user experiences for stories that matter.