Your Product is Unique, But Does Your Marketing Measure Up?

There is an easy way to evaluate your current marketing performance — as simple as taking a yes/no questions quiz.

Victoria Alex
4 min readMay 9, 2024


I know because my colleagues from izivizi and VIZZUELL developed it for you.

Take the quiz

Before you take the quiz, here are some insights.

We designed the questions to evaluate your business’s approach toward five fundamental marketing aspects.

Marketing goals

I know you have so many dreams when it comes to your business.

They can be big ones. Go international — “Someday”.

They can be small ones. To find the time to progress on my business plan. — “Someday”.

Or they can be so wild you don’t even dare to share them. Even to yourself. Become the world’s top brand in my industry. — “Yeah, someday.”

The thin line between achievers and dreamers is setting up goals.

The achiever doesn’t leave things to Someday.

Their dreams are their visions. Their business goals are realistic and measurable targets they set to transform Someday into Reality.

Marketing goals are what connect your marketing efforts with your business goals. They are the marketing milestones you achieve to realize your business vision.

Target audience

Do you know what Justin Bieber, Scarlett Johansson, and Piers Morgan have in common?

While you are giving it a guess, let me tell you what the target audience means for your business. Your target audience is who you created your product for. These are the people you need to appeal to.

Back to my question. What these three famous people have in common is — they are not my cup of tea.

No matter how great they are in what they do, I am not their target audience. And that is Okay. I am sure they are not too torn up about it.

The same applies to your business. Your product is not for everyone.

But people who enjoy it — You need to know them. Understand how they think and speak, what they like about your brand, and where they hang out. You need to know everything about them. Or at least as much as you can. No creepy vibes.

Marketing strategy

The strategy is your guiding framework that outlines how your vision will move from Someday to Reality while providing the best value for your customers.

The best strategy is —





Next, we evaluate your understanding of competitors.

You may understand the importance of keeping up with your competitors. You are all after the same piece of the pie.

What if you are wrong? What if there is a whole feast out there? Just for you.

That is what we are after when we say, Monitor your competitors.

— > If the others are in the circus business, Cirque du Soleil is bringing entertainment to a new level.

— > If other companies focus on website development, Webflow empowers designers to express their creativity by building websites.

— > While others focus on selling ads, social media management, or videos, Vizzuell supports entrepreneurs in transforming as many lives as possible.

Only a deep, thorough analysis of the competition can give you an idea of what is missing in the market.

Or show you the missing market.

Content Strategy

The final component our quick quiz will evaluate is your content strategy.

Content is crucial, but you may wonder why we choose content strategy over promotion or social media marketing strategy, for example.

It is simple.

If you have a clear content strategy, it means you nailed your messages. You know what you want to say, why you want to say it, and whom you want to share it with.

We believe your score on content strategy is a pretty decent indicator of how you perform in the other subcategories.

Now that you appreciate the importance of setting up clear goals, knowing your target audience, having a marketing strategy, monitoring your competitors, and nailing down your content strategy —

Let’s get to the quiz. Already.

P.S.: Dare to share? I am waiting to see your results in the comments :)

This article, and everything we do in VIZZUELL, is our attempt to empower you to create change through your brand. If you want us to take the conversation further and discuss your unique marketing needs, reach out at or book a free meeting.

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Victoria Alex

Entrepreneur | Marketing is my passion | Co-founder of Vizzuell