VLaunch Goals and Values

VLaunch Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2022

VLaunch is proud to present its initial goals in establishing its success as the world-first, influencer-backed Web3 launchpad.

VLaunch Goals

Value Generation

VLaunch is centered around bringing value to all those entities and individuals that support and use its ecosystem. This includes projects and token stakers as well as community members who bring eyes to the VLaunch product suite as well as its partnered and launched projects alike.

All token stakers and active community members will have the opportunity to invest in or receive tokens for projects as soon as they are pre-listed, opening them up to the best upside potential for their received token share before they go onto the open market.

VLaunch will also supply projects with highly engaged community members so that they can achieve the most rapid growth and exposure to potential open market buyers, ensuring a stable token listing and price development. Expert allocators will provide projects with the right KOLs and thought leaders to capture the imagination of the demographics within their targeted niches. This support will extend to fundraising efforts with private investments from linked KOLs and thought leaders — and will potentially provide public sale rounds on VLaunch itself.

As VLaunch is founded by some of the biggest thought leaders in the decentralized sphere and is partnered with all prominent KOLs and thought leaders, the team is focused on providing ongoing support and feedback for planned marketing campaigns of our launched or partnered projects.

Nurturing all individual and group supporters will be necessary in VLaunch achieving its core goal to become the decentralized space’s #1 launchpad with the backing of the strongest social media figures. Already featuring 100+ top tier KOLs and 30,000 wallet holders and stakers interested in finding the next big project to support, the VLaunch team is confident that these goals are already well under way.

Total Platform Transparency

Transparency is a vital asset for Web3 ventures to succeed, and the VLaunch team is committed to delivering a platform that instills and generates trust in every capacity.

As well as being entirely open, we welcome imaginative contributions from every platform member in influencing our updates as we advance the platform and product itself. These inputs will be welcomed via community DAO.

Every project that we take on for direct incubation shall not only be provided with the above communal support but also massive network support at every step along the way, including exchange listing, fundraising for angels or VCs, and potential closing of other relevant partners for the sake of their project’s success.

We shall create a profitable token environment for all involved by following a predefined, proven approach:

First, by launching and/or incubating top tier projects that provide stakers and community members with a direct return on their bought VPAD token amount.

Next, by releasing new revenue-driving products on VLaunch for buybacks, burns and additional community and user rewards e.g. DEX aggregators, swaps and community funds, with many more potential avenues in mind for future deployment.

We shall establish greater multi-chain support on VLaunch in order to provide full support for projects launching on different chains and ecosystems, and provide top community members and stakers with access to an exclusive flow of private network deals including early stage investments and other off-market opportunities.

VLaunch Values

  • We are committed to our community members, VPAD holders, projects and team.
  • We provide complete transparency to our community, VPAD holders and partners.
  • We establish trust in our due diligence process and choice of projects.
  • We establish trust in our service that we offer to projects launching via VLaunch.
  • We build upon our core focus to support projects prior- and post-launch.
  • We strive to succeed as a team, community and history-making launchpad.



VLaunch Blog

The Web3 launchpad where leading influencers and projects meet.