How to Get a Refund

VLB Token
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2018

In order to receive your refund fast and easy you will need MetaMask extension for your web browser:

Chrome ; Opera ; Firefox ; Brave (just install the browser and turn the extension on in the Preferences settings).

Press the «Get a Refund» button on the main page at


12:00 PM UTC, APRIL 9, 2018


1.1. If you have MetaMask extension installed, you will see the following window:

Just enter the address of ETH Wallet you used to buy VLB tokens and press «REFUND MY ETH», if your ETH wallet is already connected to MetaMask.

If you’ve never used MetaMask, then you would need to connect it to your ETH wallet you used to buy VLB Tokens by importing the private key before pressing «REFUND MY ETH».

Then press «REFUND MY ETH» and the MetaMask window with transaction inputs will pop up. Just set the gas limit, recommended for the transaction in the bottom section of the window.

If there is no recommendation we suggest setting the limit at 150 000 gas.

Then press the “Submit” button and your refund transaction is complete — just wait until it’s confirmed!

1.2. If you don’t have MetaMask installed, you will see the following window:

We recommend you to download METAMASK — it’s the easiest way to get a quick refund!


If you do not wish to download MetaMask, because you don’t want to use a web browser that supports MetaMask extention or for other reasons, then you can get a refund using MyEtherWallet.

Please go to and choose the «Contracts» tab.

Type/ paste in the following contract address:


The open a new window/ tab on your browser and go to:

Scroll down to the “Contract ABI” box and press “Copy”

Then go back to the MyEtherWallet page/ tab and paste to the ABI / JSON Interface section.

Now press «Access».

Press «Select a function» below the contract address (automatically filled) in the section below.

Select the «Refund» option from the rolled out list of function options.

Type/ paste the address of the wallet you used to buy VLB tokens during ICO in the «Investor Address» box. Then select «Private Key» below the wallet access option list and paste/ type your private key in the respective box. Press «Write» at the bottom of the screen.

In the pop-up window set the gas limit (we recommend setting it at no less than 150 000 gas), then press «Generate Transaction» and then, finally, press «Yes! I’m Sure! Make Transaction».

Your refund is complete, just wait for the confirmation. You can check the status of the transaction on EtherScan.

