Driving in Monsoons? Here’s the One-Rupee Test!

Jeevan Sirela
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2016

Monsoons have been pouring its affection on motherland like it is its favorite love season. Feel sorry for your tech- gadgets and mobile toys? Then shower some affection on them too.

It goes like this, umbrellas protect humans. They shield us until we are safe from the side-effects that rains bring on to us. In need, your car is begging you to safeguard it. It needs a different form of shielding umbrella of its own. Being your best travel support, it will need to bear with the most of the rains.

Get in touch with the know-hows of taking care of your car so that they don’t ditch on you with common monsoon illness. Prepare from the grooming sessions to inner healing. Here are a few ways you can build layers of shaft folds around it by pampering your ‘car-life’ -

  1. Your car needs a Tyre-ing spa:

A tyre tread is only 2mm wide. It is in contact with the muddy puddles and rough surface of roads continuously. Every once in a while, it needs its refilling- that is maintaining the correct air pressure, balanced alignment, and tubing the tire according to its type. Aquaplaning occurs as soon as the speed increases resulting in serious damage.

The “One Rupee Test” is much needed in every 10 days during the season to know the regress. To people who do not know about the test, it is to insert the coin through the tread and check the depth in all tyres. Equity states its good health and disparity would want you to change your tyre.

A common advice given is to keep speed minimum and a spare piece for emergency.

2. Keep the foot-rest dry:

The last thing you want is puddles on your car mats. Ensure that you have rubber mats that can be easily rinsed and cleaned regularly. A smart move would be to make sure that drain plugs are closed.

3. A handy break through-

It would be really devastating if you get locked in your car during a floody environment. An emergency handy break through like a strong metal rod will help you get out of windows. Safety first after all.

4. Go Rust Free-

Prevention is better than cure. Do not land into the regretting zone when your car body gives up into subjection towards acid and moistness. A good quality wax polish helps to run off water from the skin every time it rains. Just so, an underbody anti-rust treatment could be just the right topping on the cake. Usually, it costs around 3,000 bucks and it’s recommended in every two to three years before it’s rainy.

5. Brake on wet roads-

There are lots of drivers in this world. Not everyone drives safe. Be the one to take up a safe driving initiative. When the roads are wet, never drive over manholes. Do not try to take sharp turns. And most importantly, keep at least three car distance while driving to avoid getting hit because of someone else. Always brake and drive which will keep the distance between you and other cars consistent.

6. Rid away bad odor-

Smelly feet in shoes and wet muddy clothes can sometimes make it impossible to drive. To add worse to the situation, it could be raining heavily and you can’t open the windows. Your friendly car fragrance will come to your rescue.

7. Know: Wipers are car’s best friends.

Chances of car accidents are most likely to increase by 70% during rains. To make sure that your windshield is ‘moist and water’ free, set rich wipers. Your visibility should not get disturbed, especially when you are driving on Indian roads. Good quality wiper blades do not leave scratches on your windscreen.

8. Delight your car with a car service-

Servicing your car will increase its performance. It does not just mean sending it away for a service treat, but giving a heads up for cleaning the air filter, checking the fuses-lights-wires, getting a car shampoo wash, taking care of brake pads and disc calipers and last but not the list taking off the carbon from the spark plugs.

Hence, have a happy car-full monsoon life! Keep driving.

