Trying To Decode Those Colorful Number Plates? Here’s All You Need To Know!!

Vedika Kaushik
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2016


There are different types of car number plates and their permissions. Apparently, the issue has been in a buzz as quite a lot of people have been driving cars with non-permitted number plates attached to their vehicles! So, for further awareness on car number plates and their permissions, scroll on!

In various categories of number plates, if we have a glance at their format, we’d summarize them as:

Private Number Plates:

Owners of these cars basically have a black lettering on a white background. These cars cannot be used for any commercial purpose!

For instance:

Commercial Number Plates:

By commercial vehicles, we refer to taxis. They generally have black text on a yellow background.

( There is also an additional commercial tax that is levied on such vehicles.)

For instance:

Self Drive Cars for Commercial Purpose:

Other Commercial Vehicles: Other commercial vehicles refer to vehicles available on rent for self-drive have yellow lettering on a black background. These vehicles come with zero debt insurance in most cases where-in the driver of the vehicle has to pay a maximum liability around Rs.3000 to Rs.5000 in case of huge damage to the vehicle. These vehicles can also be operated as taxis without any extra permit.

For instance:

Government Vehicles:

By government number plates, we mean the vehicles under government use such as, The President of India and state governors travel in official cars, which have Emblem of India in gold embossed on a red plate.

For instance:

Defense Vehicles:

Vehicles having black number plates; specify that the vehicles belong to defense ( vehicles of the chiefs of armed forces, cars in Prime Minister’s convoy etc.)and can only be used for official purposes. There are additional privileges like not having to stop at traffic signals that these vehicles enjoy.

For instance:

All these type of number plates needs to be licensed and permitted from the Government of India before joining the road traffic in general. Different number plates need different registrations from the government, only then would they be legalized to wheel on roads of the country.

Special permissions for unique digits/ format are also available but they have a different procedure altogether.

So before you set your tires on speed, make sure your number plate is licensed!

