Vliz app — The benefits of Micro-Vlogging

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3 min readOct 27, 2017

Vlogging provides a lot of benefits. When you do things like going out carrying your camera, talking to it in public wherever you are, recording your everyday life and showing how it truly is, you’re unconsciously practicing many different skills that are improving your personality for better.

We’ve separated 9 different benefits that come along with vlogging, micro-vlogging or daily vlogging. If you already vlog you may have noticed some improvements on some aspects of your life!

So let’s go into it:

  1. Self Expression: recording your life while talking to the camera allows you to express yourself, show your point-of-view and externalize emotions. When you do this frequently, you start getting to know yourself better and learn how to express yourself better.
  2. Creativity Booster: vlogging is a lot about improvisation because you’re recording as you live. While vlogging you start developing creative ways to deal with different situations. And as you do this several times, creativity becomes natural to you not only while in front of the camera, but off-camera as well.
  3. Confidence Booster: expressing yourself and your opinions to an audience helps you gain confidence and better develop your ideas and arguments. Also, going through situations in which you have to talk to a camera in public helps you lose your fear and shyness of public speaking.
  4. Speaking Skills Developer: when you talk to your camera, you’re talking to an audience as well — friends, family or even to yourself. As you do this, you start worrying about clearness, sending the message you want and eloquence. That’s good because then you start choosing the words you’re going to use, structuring the phrases and ideas to clearly communicate what you want to say.
  5. Habit Creating: when you start learning something new and documenting it daily, you’re able to see and realize how much you’re improving day after day. It gets easier to commit to a learning process and create an habit when you document it.
  6. Inspire & Motivate: this may be the less perceived benefit. You may not realize that you’re inspiring and motivating someone, but whenever you share your story, your life or anything, someone that is watching probably feel related to. And for that person, you’re making a huge difference.
  7. Perpetuate Moments: documenting your life is a way to keep your memories to yourself and perpetuate your story. Sometimes you want to share those memories and sometimes you want to keep just to yourself. But it’s important to look back and see how your story was like, how you changed and improved.
  8. Discover Like-Minded People: Talking about your passions, hobbies, daily activities and so on, attracts people who love the same thing that you do. When people relate to someone, they feel more comfortable to talk and interact to them and that’s the moment in which you discover like-minded people and you can share your moments and thoughts with each other.
  9. Provide Valuable Information: Having an audience — no matter how small it is — makes you want to provide value information because you care about it. And that makes you handpick infos to pass along.

And that’s it. We’ve just mentioned a few benefits that comes from documenting your everyday life. The best part is that all of those benefits come naturally and helps you in the off-camera world as well. In other words, you become a better person in many aspects.

With Vliz app you can create and share your video diary with friends, family or keep just to yourself. The most important is to develop those skills and your personality!

So why don’t you create your very first Micro-Vlog on Vliz and start seeing those improvements happen?

We hope that these informations will serve you well and help you become a better person to yourself and to the world!

“Daily Vlogging is like keeping a journal where each new day is a page”

- Vliz Team



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