VLSI Implementations of Image and
Video Multimedia Processing Systems

Jayant Majji
vlsi in dsp
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2021

In the field of multimedia, as algorithm development and very large scale integrated (VLSI) technologies progress, a growing number of services and applications have emerged. Multimedia processing is characterized by extremely high processing needs in general.In order to facilitate transmission and storage applications, the large volume of audio–visual data associated with standard multimedia services need efficient data compression algorithms. Several worldwide standards for audio and video compression have been created, each aimed at a particular application industry.

Traditional digital signal processors are well-suited to the processing of speech and audio information, but they lack the processing power required for video information. Although programmable high-end general-purpose processors developed for the PC and workstation market can achieve higher levels of performance for desktop computing, they are often weak at signal processing and prohibitively expensive. Multimedia hardware must be able to handle the greatest processing demands. Furthermore, the cost of installation must be comparable to low-cost consumer market gadgets.
Standard processors are often lacking in each of these areas. Particular architectural techniques are needed that can deliver great performance at a cheap cost by maximizing the special algorithm properties.

Dedicated and programmable solutions for multimedia signal processing are two types of architectural approaches. Dedicated implementations of individual multimedia sub-tasks guarantee the most efficiency, but they don’t let you to do other things. Programmable CPU’s with multimedia enhancements are appropriate for a broader range of applications.For programmable computers to improve their multimedia signal processing capabilities, a range of architectural methods are available. The techniques provided here cover a broad range of hardware complexity. Several techniques are frequently incorporated in existing designs.

For mass applications of fixed functionality, dedicated implementations will continue to play a significant role. The more irregular and unpredictable computation flow of new multimedia algorithms, on the other hand, necessitates a higher level of architectural flexibility. As a result, future multimedia applications will increasingly rely on programmable CPU’s.

