The Future of Work

Cheah May-Belle
VLT Labs
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2016
Photo by: Raconteur Report

Maybe it’s time.

Maybe it’s natural progression.

Maybe it’s those meddling millennials. (It’s always the millennials, isn’t it?)

That, work doesn’t work the same way anymore

The workplace is changing.

Work dynamics and the idea of team is changing.

Needs of the workers — or more aptly recognised now, individual talents — are changing.

The workforce is evolving.

We are a different generation of labour

And we need a different generation of work system — which FastCo seems to concur:

“The Freelance Economy is the New Economy. And the ecosystem behind the freelance economy is growing more robust by day.”
(Fast Company, 2015)

With the continuous sprouting of co-working spaces, productivity tools and project management platforms — tech-enabled talents are having more leverage than ever to choose to adopt the status of a Digital Nomad, Independent Worker, Freelancer over an Employee.

Statuses that indicate that work has gone beyond work. Work, is now a lifestyle choice.

But this doesn’t seem to be a bad change after all.

On sprouting newness and innovation

True innovation don’t usually happen in a room with people who all thinks the same way. (Check out: How Diversity Makes Us Smarter)

And talents can’t be truly good without exposure and experience. What makes them better is often diverse experiences.

In this booming era of tech startup, when everyone is talking about newness and disrupting norms — it is probably the most crucial time to make sure we harness talents with these diverse experience and exposure, beyond whatever boundaries.

We think… that the idea of agile can be pushed a little more in the aspect of people and team.

We think. So we built.

This marks the birth of FutureWorks, a new startup that challenges the status quo of the tech and design workforce industry.

It’s distributed-talent-network meets distributed-work-opportunities, managed by a Product Manager in every step to ensure uncompromised quality and efficiency.

*pitch done*

In all sincerity and enthusiasm, we do believe that with the changing of needs and time — a truly viable system is needed to break new grounds and enable talents and startups.

And we hope, FutureWorks would be the catalyst.

Where talents are free to contribute and gain new experiences wherever they are.

And businesses could harness the best out of talents.

If you want to find out more about FutureWorks (I know you do):

We are almost ready to launch!

