VM Gorilla Game Player Guide: How to Start Earning $VMGC

Published in
10 min readAug 15, 2022

Vending Machines NFT is the daddy project of a family of unique offerings to the wonderful community of the Avalanche Network. VM Projects includes VM Comics, VM Hats, and now featuring the brand new P2E game utilizing the VM Gorilla NFT. Read this player guide to learn how to get started with the game and begin earning VM Gorilla Coin (VMGC).

Play to Earn $VMGC with your VM Gorilla NFT!

Vending Machines NFT Projects has brought several different unique projects to users of the Avalanche Network. Vending Machines NFT (VMNFT) is still the daddy of them all and has been an awesome supplier of goodies in this space. Holders have received free NFT airdrops of a variety of styles including web comics and even an up and coming hard copy of the next VM Comics issues.

VM Gorilla (VMG) has always been a part of this family of projects. If you minted a Vending Machines NFT, you also received a Gorilla. For now, it was just sitting happily in your web wallet. But now, you can actually use your Gorilla to earn by playing a new P2E platformer titled VM Gorilla Game. You will earn a token called VM Gorilla Coin ($VMGC, or VMG Coin).

The value of this token is relative to the price of Avax and the number of VM Gorillas sold. If you’re long term bullish on Avax and crypto in general, it would make sense to start accumulating VMG Coin now, as is the typical advice for bear markets.

Read on for instructions on how to find and access the game, connect your wallet safely, and get started playing for some Gorilla Coin!

The VM Gorilla Game is a play-to-earn game built on the Avalanche Network. The aim of the game is to simply run through all of the 5 levels while collecting coins along the way. Successful players who complete the levels and collect coins will be rewarded by exchanging these coins for VMG Coin.

What is the Value of VMG?

This is what you will receive in your wallet after you click redeem and accept the transaction.

The total value of each redeemable VMG Coin is distributed as follows: 92% goes directly to the player. 3% is operational expenses. 3% is sent for marketing expenses. The remaining 2% is added into the $VMGC Liquidity Pool.

There are 8888 VM Gorillas in total, including those you get for free by minting a VM NFT. The total proceeds of this mint will amount to 4444 Avax. Of this, 444 Avax is for the VM Team. 1000 Avax is spent in marketing and promotion. The remaining 3000 Avax is for the LP, which will ultimately be distributed as rewards for exchanging 300 coins for $VMGC.

How to Earn Free $VMGC

You can start earning $VMGC right now by playing through the 5 levels and exchanging your coins. The earnings potential, like most things in crypto, are tied to the price of Avax or Ethereum and Bitcoin.

To earn $VMGC, you must play the VM Gorilla Game and collect at least 300 coins with your Gorilla. You can control your Gorilla by using a keyboard.

Important Note: You must click “redeem” *during* the 5th round, as soon as you see the icon appear on screen. You may then click the redeem icon to exchange your 300 in-game coins for VMG Coin.

How to Play: Step by Step Guide

  1. Click here to go to the The Vending Machines NFT homepage (Ctrl+click to open in another tab)

2. Click on the Play to Earn button on the bottom left

this one ;)

You will now be at the VM Gorilla home page.

You can scroll down to see more information about the game, including the “About Us”, and “Features of The Game”.

3. Scroll down until you get to the “Gameplay” section

Click on this image to access the game. You will be redirected to this website. Allow a few moments for the game to load.

The game is loading, be patient ;)

You should now be at the main menu screen of the game, which looks like this:

Main Menu of the VM Gorilla Game

Click on the top left “Connect Wallet” button and allow the site access to your digital wallet. I personally use MetaMask, but you can also use WalletConnect or Defi Wallet.

Click on Connect so you may be able to claim $VMGC to your wallet.

If successful, the PLAY TO EARN button should now be highlighted. Click here to start playing the game.

Enter The Gorilla. Become the Gorilla. Be the Gorilla!!!

It begins!

You are a gorilla.

You find yourself in a side-scrolling platformer reminiscent of Super Nintendo days.

“Am I Donkey Kong?” I ask myself.

No. This is something entirely different and much more weird, but I like it.

I assume my role as jumper. I become VM Gorilla.

My objective: jump and collect coins.

This is my purpose and my aim.

The final goal: Exchange for VM Gorilla Coin

…but there are those who would stand in my way.

There will be obstacles along the path to success. If the player fails to jump over these obstacles, they will lose 1 heart/life. If the player loses 3 lives, then the game is over, and the player must start again.

I must jump with precision.

3 lives before game over. Can you do it? Can I do it? Can we do it together? Or die trying!

Oh, again, my Gorilla has met with an obstacle. But I will not give up.

I will surmount all obstacles in my path.

My tactic is to time my jumps with precision and skill, waiting for the perfect moment to leap over the jaws of the enemy.

I say hi to my friends from nature. Hello Mr. Monkey. Hello Mr. Owl. Hello Mr. Tree. May you all have a fine day hanging out. As for me, I’m out here grinding, getting that coin, getting my gorilla exercise.

Coins are used for vending machines to purchase goods. This is what I understand about life. I will keep running. I will continue to jump. I will earn. I must earn.

Oh my!! Oh dear oh my!!


No worries. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Tip: You can safely walk over the bridge/water. You don’t need to jump.

You can also safely land on the back or tail of the crocodile without worry.

I did it. My body is ready for level 2. I can feel it in my bones, like a primal calling to become even more gorilla. A more beastly, yet a more grounded and gentle gorilla. I’m a gorilla that jumps with finesse. My journey has only just begun. My jumps will require expert precision, calling back skills of my childhood playing platforming games.

Level 2 has this gorilla out in the streets grinding. What’s a gorilla doing in the city? I guess deep gorilla is just going from jungle to concrete jungle. This is what has become of the world. There are no crocodiles, but there are other, even more dangerous obstacles to be found here. I have to stay alert.

Air time over the fire hydrant like it’s nothing. Check these skills. I’m ready for Level 3.

Oops. Nevermind. I’m back to level 1. Nevermind. I’m out here running. That’s what I do. I become the Gorilla. I run. I jump. I don’t stop until I collect 300 coins. This is my game, and I’m the winner.

Good to see you again, Mr. Owl. Yes, I died again, so I’m back to Level 1. However, it’s been quite an interesting experience. I’ll see you again the next time I’m out here running and jumping for $VMGC.

Level 3 has me in some nice area with ice cream and fruit! So far so good. Alright, and we have the nice trees in the back. This place is pretty nice.

Actual picture of me running directly to the café. Coffee helps me run and jump for extended periods, but mostly, it’s my gorilla strength and agility.

Level 4 brings me to a cold place, but it looks filled with nice homes and a snowman! With my thick gorilla fur, I can easily handle the cold, probably.

A Vending Machine on a Ski Lift! What a sight to behold!

Level 5 has this big double jump! I need to be careful

The zoo? Are these animals okay? Can I release them back into the wild?

Oh my Gosh. The double obstacles have taken everything from me. The jump maneuver must be executed at the right moment, or a full restart is in order.

It’s back to level 1 for me. I must rest for now.

Am I defeated? No. Far from it. But like the inhalations and exhalations and the sun and the moon, all things have their time in rhythm and harmony.

My day will come.

Let be known, that the VMG Coin will be mine.

This is my VM Gorilla. Notice the pink glory radiating from his greatness.

I will sharpen my attention. I will stretch my hands. I will put on the soundtrack from the original Donkey Kong Country. I will shut out all distractions. And I will jump, and jump, and jump, until I get what I want. It is all worth it.


Click Redeem ASAP, and be careful not to die while doing it!


After patience and determination, I have finally earned my first VMG Coin of many.

It feels fantastic
It will look like this

Practice makes perfect. In this case, nailing the timing of those double-plant jumps on Level 5. After I clicked redeem and signed the transaction, I continued playing — although at this point, the transaction had completed and I already earned my coin. But I wanted to finish the level for glory.

Let it be written. Let it be done.

It was all worth it! I bested those tricky jumps and secured my place in VM Gorilla History.

For now, I rest my sweaty gorilla palms.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Aza or the mods on the Discord channel.

Until the next adventure, farewell!



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Tempering the technological tenor with the harmonies of global enantiodromia and the fuzz pedals of art, music, cryptocurrency, and next level eudemonia