Windows -Azure Enrollment to Workspace ONE UEM for Organization using Okta as IdP

Rupesh Jain
VMware 360
Published in
10 min readJan 4, 2022

Authors: Rupesh Jain, Yuvakumar Kuramannagari

Windows 10 device can be enrolled to Azure AD (IdP) through an Out of Box Experience (OOBE). There are customers who are using 3rd party IdP as OKTA instead of Azure AD. This document will provide the step-by-step instructions for doing Windows -Azure enrollment to VMware Workspace ONE UEM with OKTA as IdP. There are validation steps also defined to validate each integration point.


  • Access to an OKTA Instance with admin rights.
  • Access to Azure as an administrator — Azure premium license (P2)
  • Access to Workspace ONE Access(vIDM) as an administrator.
  • Access to Workspace ONE UEM console as an administrator.
  • Postman, download it from



  • Users either be created in LDAP and sync to OKTA or can create directly from OKTA.
  • LDAP is optional based on requirement.
  • If we are using LDAP, An LDAP server cannot be configured at the Customer OG level in Workspace ONE UEM.


Create a Domain in Workspace ONE Access

  • Create the shared client secret in Workspace ONE Access
  • Log into the Workspace ONE Access admin console
  • Click the dropdown arrow on the Catalog tab and select Settings
  • Click Remote App Access and select Create Client
  • For Access Type, select Service Client Token from drop down
  • For Client ID, enter an ID, for example, OktaSCIM
  • Expand the Advanced section
  • Click on Generate Shared secret
  • Update the Access Token Time-to-Live setting to a longer time than the default
  • Click on Get New Access Token
  • A token is generated and displayed.
  • To verify that the bearer token was added, click the Headers tab and click hidden headers.
  • If the bearer token was not added, return to the Authorization tab and select your token from the available tokens drop-down list and check again.
  • Under Headers, set the Content-Type to: application/
  • Click on Body tab
  • Use the following as a sample and click Send

“name”:”Okta Universal Directory”

Note: Make sure that your domain is unique within your tenant.

Validation: You should see a response similar to the following.

Configure the VMware Workspace ONE Access Application in Okta:

  • Login to Okta Admin console
  • Click Applications → Applications
  • Add Application
  • Search for the VMware Workspace ONE application and Add
  • In the Base URL, enter Workspace ONE Access URL
  • Make sure there is no ‘/’ on the end of the URL, to avoid error and click Done
  • Click the Provisioning tab and click Configure API Integration.
  • Check Enable API integration check box, in the API Token text box, paste the bearer token that you created in Postman
  • Click Test API Credentials and ensure that you see a successful message before proceeding and Save.
  • Click the Edit button
  • Select the Enable check boxes for Create Users, Update User Attributes, and Deactivate Users, the click Save
  • Scroll down and edit the domain attribute
  • Edit the domain so that it matches the domain you used when you created the directory in Workspace ONE Access.
  • Click Save.
  • SCIM provisioning set up is complete
  • Go to the Assignments tab in the VMware Workspace ONE application and assign the application to users or groups. When you assign the application to a user, the user is created in Workspace ONE Access. When you remove the application for a user, the user is disabled in Workspace ONE Access.
  • You can go to the Push groups tab in the VMware Workspace ONE application to push groups to Workspace ONE Access. When you push group, the group is created in Workspace ONE Access and the group membership is pushed. Members of the group must already be assigned the Workspace ONE Access application
  • Validation : Based on user or group setup above , you should see the users or groups in Workspace ONE Access -Users & Groups section

Add Okta as a third party IdP in Workspace ONE Access

  • Navigate to your applications in Okta
  • Select VMware Workspace ONE Application
  • Click the Sign on tab
  • Scroll down and select View Setup Instructions, this will provide a perfect walkthrough on how to add Okta as the 3rd party IdP in Workspace ONE Access.

After completion, if you have an issues when logging into Workspace ONE Access, it may be usernames. In OKTA change the credentials details to the below:

  • Validation : Browse the Workspace ONE Access Login URL , it will automatically redirect to OKTA login and once authenticated in OKTA , you will successfully login into Workspace ONE Access
    Now that we can login to Workspace ONE Access using Okta as the 3rd party IdP, we need to provision the user over to Workspace ONE UEM. We do this by using the AirWatch provisioning app in Access.

Before completing this section , you will need to login into Workspace ONE UEM as an Admin to retrieve Workspace ONE UEM API key located at Settings → System -> Advance → API → RESTAPI

Configure SAML Authentication from Workspace ONE UEM into Workspace ONE Access

  • In Workspace ONE Access Portal, navigate to Catalog and Web Apps
  • Click on Settings on the right
  • Then select SAML Meta data
  • Right click on Identity Provider metadata and Save. You should be able to save this as idp.xml
  • Navigate to Workspace ONE UEM console, Groups & Settings → System → Enterprise Integration → Directory Services
  • Upload the save idp.xml file to the SAML 2.0 section and scroll to the bottom and hit save. This will populate the fields from the XML file
  • Make sure that the Authentication Response Security field is correct:
  • Scroll up and enable SAML for Enrollment
  • Now you’ll need to add a AirWatch application into Workspace ONE Access that matches these settings:
  • In Workspace ONE Access console, navigate to Catalog → Web Apps
  • Select New and search for AirWatch and click
  • In Configuration fill in the following information:
  • Device Server URL
  • GroupID
  • And audience (default is AirWatch)
  • The last step is to assign the application to users and save.
  • Configure the AirWatch Provisioning App in Workspace ONE Access
  • Make sure that SAML authentication is enabled in the Workspace ONE UEM console in the Accounts → Administrators → Administrator Settings → Directory Services section
  • Login in to the Workspace ONE Access console
  • Select the Catalog → Web Apps tab
  • Click New, the new SaaS Application wizard appears
  • Enter AirWatch Provisioning in the Search text box or click or browse from catalog, and select AirWatch Provisioning from the results.
  • To proceed, click Next
  • On the Single Sign-On page, configure settings as required by your organization. Some settings are populated with default values relevant to the AirWatch Provisioning app. To learn more about a setting, click the information icon next to the setting.
    Note: For any setting not listed in the following table, accept the default value.
  • Click Next and keep everything else as default and Save
  • The app is added to the catalog. Now you can enable Provisioning.
  • Select the AirWatch Provisioning app from the catalog list and click Edit → Provisioning
  • Add the Provisioning Adapter Configuration
  • Workspace ONE UEM Host
  • Admin Username
  • Admin Password
  • Workspace ONE UEM API key
  • Workspace ONE UEM Group ID
  • Click on Test Connection and verify the connection is successful
  • Scroll down, make sure Enable Provisioning is enabled
  • Click NEXT, under User Provisioning click on Add Mapping, select Attribute Name to AAD Mapping Attribute and Value to ${user.ExternalId} and Save and click NEXT
  • Under Group Provisioning tab, Add required group
  • Click Next and save
  • Click Assign, select the User Groups and Save
  • Confirm the attribute match across all Solutions
  • Validation: Confirm Attributes
  • Okta provisions users into Workspace ONE Access with the Okta Unique Identifier. This attribute MUST automatically match with the users ExternalID field in Workspace ONE Access. We also provisioned the user into Workspace ONE UEM so that the AAD mapping attribute is the same as the ExternalID
  • In Workspace ONE UEM, navigate to users and select the user that’s been generated from Workspace ONE Access and hit edit in the top right
  • This will bring up all the user details and show the AAD Mapping Attribute

Add custom domain to Azure Active Directory:

  • Login to Azure Portal —
  • Navigate to Azure Active Directory → Custom domain names
  • Add custom domain name and follow on screen instructions
  • Once the domain is verify, it will looks something shown in the screenshot below

Configure Office 365 app in Okta

  • In Okta navigate to applications and select Add Application, select Microsoft Office 365 and ADD
  • Enter Microsoft Tenant Name
  • Under Sign-On Options, select WS-Federation
  • For WS-Federation Configuration, select Automatic
  • Provide username and password and fetch the Office 365 Domains, select the domain name you added in previous section and Done
  • Under Provisioning tab, Enable provisioning
  • Under Microsoft Office 365 Attribute Mapping section, change the Immutable ID value as show in the screenshot
  • Under Assignments tab assign the groups or users
  • Under Push Groups tab, push them to the Azure Active directory
  • Validation: Verify users are synced to AAD from Okta

Integrate Azure AD with Workspace ONE UEM:

  • Step by step instructions are provided in Integrating Azure AD with Workspace ONE UEM section of this doc.

Validation for Overall setup:

  • In OOBE screen, enter username, that should redirect to below Okta screen based on the username domain
  • Validate the OKTA tenant and it is pointing to the right okta account

Testing & Production Environment setup:

Create separate setup for the above integration for Test environment and Production environment as pointing these randomly to different instance of Workspace ONE UEM can result in issue which will require additional troubleshooting.


All the configuration should now be in place to perform Windows 10 Out of the box experience(OOBE) enrollments into Workspace ONE UEM using Okta as the source of Identity Provider(IdP).



Rupesh Jain
VMware 360
Editor for

R&D Engineering Manager at VMWare, passionate about large scale distributed systems architecture and delivery.