The Key to Long-Term Product Success: Designing for Emotional Longevity

Joy Busse
VMware Design
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2023

In the fast-paced world of product design, where the race to innovate and captivate users is relentless, one critical element often escapes the limelight: the emotional longevity of a product. While functionality, usability, and aesthetics receive well-deserved attention, the profound and lasting emotional connection that users form with a product over time is frequently underestimated. In this article, we delve into the concept of Emotional Longevity, its pivotal role in ensuring sustained user engagement, and practical strategies for designing with it in mind.

Image showing elements like access, a heart a handshake and a happy face all contributing to the users emotional longevity to achieve long term product success

Understanding Emotional Longevity

Emotional Longevity is all about the lasting bond people form with a product. It’s not just about needing something or finding it useful. It’s that special something that makes you pick one product over another, even if they both do the same thing.

The Heart of Emotional Longevity

This bond doesn’t have to be there from the start. You might start using a product because you need it or you’re curious. But over time, you might grow to love it. This love can happen naturally, but designers can also help it along by thinking about what makes people feel good when they use their products.

Designing for Lasting Connections

Designers should put Emotional Longevity right up there by making their product work well, easy to use, and nice to look at. Think about how your product can keep making people happy as they use it over time. This could mean adding new features, letting people customize things, or changing with people’s needs.

Listening to the Heartbeat of Users

When you get feedback, don’t just focus on fixing problems or adding new functions. Listen to what people are feeling about your product. This can lead to amazing changes that really make your product stand out.

Creating a Friendly Relationship with Your Product

Great products are like friends. They don’t just work well or look nice; they also understand and respond to what people feel and want over time. This could be about celebrating special moments, adding little surprises, or just showing that the product cares in its own way.

Practical Steps for Emotional Design

  • Get to Know Your Users: Do research to understand what your users need and what makes them tick emotionally. Use surveys, interviews, and tests to find out.
  • Tell a Story: Make a story around your product that shows how it makes life better. This can help people feel a connection and stay loyal.
  • Make It Delightful: Aim for more than just doing the job. Create experiences that make people feel good. Pay attention to the little things in your design that can make a big difference.
  • Let Them Make It Theirs: Give users ways to make the product feel like it’s truly theirs. This can create a stronger attachment.
  • Build a Community: Help users connect with each other. A strong community can make people feel more attached to your product.

Learning from Kathy Sierra

Kathy Sierra’s insights on how emotions play a role in how people connect with products are really helpful here. She talks about how feelings and learning go hand-in-hand when people use something.

Emotional Longevity in Action

Emotional Longevity isn’t just an idea. It’s a real thing that can make a huge difference in how successful a product is. By really thinking about it and weaving it into your design, you can create products that people don’t just use, but love and keep coming back to. This is what leads to real, lasting success.



Joy Busse
VMware Design

Design leader, creative thinker and UX strategist.