VNT Monthly | VNT Chain Project Progress

VNT Chain Labs
VNT Chain Labs
Published in
7 min readJan 2, 2021

This is the monthly report of VNT Chain in which you will find about the latest project updates, community news and development progress. It would be a great honor for us to share exciting news and build the ecology with you!

Project Updates

Yunphant won the reward of “Excellent Member” by Beijing Financial Technology Industry Alliance

Recently, the 2020 Annual Member Meeting of Beijing Financial Technology Industry Alliance was held in Beijing. At the meeting, the leaders of the alliance made a 2020 work report and announced the 2020 assessment results. As a member of the Alliance Blockchain Committee, Yunphant won the “Excellent Member” for its outstanding contributions in the 2020 work. Dr. Huang Butian, founder of Yunphant Blockchain, and Yunphant Blockchain Research Center Scientist, Shandong University School of Computer Science Associate Professor Wan Zhiguo won the honorary title of “Advanced Individual” of the year.
The Beijing FinTech Industry Alliance (“Alliance”) is initiated by the China Financial Electronics Corporation under the guidance of the People’s Bank of China. The establishment of database, artificial intelligence, big data and other industrial units, including the Distributed Database Professional Committee, the Artificial Intelligence Professional Committee, the Blockchain Professional Committee, the Regulatory Technology Professional Committee, the Development Research Professional Committee, the Innovation Application Professional Committee, the Open Source Professional Committee, etc. seven committees in total.

Yunphant is selected into the list of ‘2020 Zhejiang Intellectual Property Early Warning Analysis Projects’

In order to accelerate the establishment of an early warning mechanism for intellectual property rights decision-making in emerging industries based on industrial data and intellectual property data, and promote the integration of the “two chains” of the industrial chain and the innovation chain, the Zhejiang Provincial Market Supervision Administration recently issued the “2020 Zhejiang Intellectual Property Early Warning Announcement of analysis project approval.” After various levels of screening by provincial and municipal supervision bureaus, such as preliminary review and expert review, Yunphant’s ‘Blockchain-based Digital Financial Industry Patent Early Warning Analysis Project’ was successfully selected into the list of proposed projects.

“New Era Fintech Application Summit Forum” was held in Yunphant

On the morning of December 4th, the “New Era Financial Technology Application Summit Forum” was held in Yunphant, co-sponsored by the Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Center of Yuhang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang University-Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Joint Research Center, and the Future Technology Kunpeng Enterprise Alliance. The Vice President of the Dalian Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, the Secretary-General of the Dalian Mutual Finance Association, the Director of the Science and Technology Division of the Dalian Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China, and the Deputy Director of the Dalian Central Sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China visited Yunphant for inspection and exchange and attended the event. Guests including Dr. Huang Butian, founder and chairman of Yunphant Blockchain, Chen Jiping, founder of Kangaroo Cloud, and Gao Peng, founder of Moxiang Technology, participated in the conference and shared their speeches, and at the same time carried out in-depth discussions on the application of their respective companies’ deep technology in the financial field.

Three latest research papers of Yunphant were accepted by CCF-A international top conference AAAI

Recently, three latest research papers by Professor Liu Zhenguang, chief scientist of Yunphant Blockchain Research Center, were accepted by CCF-A category and the top international artificial intelligence conference AAAI (one first author, two corresponding authors). Two of them are research results in cooperation with the National University of Singapore, and one is a research result in cooperation with Jilin University and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Three papers respectively proposed a cross-modal student-teacher network, a neural network with multiple local GANs + a global GAN, and a convolutional network with spatial constraints to solve practical application problems in the field of artificial intelligence.

Yunphant Blockchain won the 5th Golden Top Annual Blockchain Technology Impact Award

Recently, guided by the Virtual Reality Professional Committee of China Communication Industry Association, Guangdong Game Industry Association, Shenzhen Science and Technology Association, Shenzhen Information Service Industry Blockchain Association, Shenzhen Internet Culture Market Association, sponsored by Gyro Technology, Shenzhen Technology Development The 2020 Future Business Ecological Link Conference and the Fifth Golden Top Award Presentation Ceremony (abbreviated as “FBEC2020”) co-organized by the Exchange Center, Hengyue Maker Rubik’s Cube, and industry leading media Gyro Finance and Gyro Media, etc. will be held at the Sheraton Shenzhen Hotel The banquet hall on the 6th floor was successfully held. The Fifth Golden Top Award was announced at the conference. The award set up four major awards in the fields of blockchain, games, VR/AR, and e-sports. After two months of registration, online voting, and expert review, Yunphant Blockchain was successfully shortlisted and won the annual blockchain technology influence award.

Zhou Feng, the co-founder of VNT Chain, was invited to attend the “Huohuo China Tour Shenzhen Conference”

On December 21st, the “2020 Watching Fire China Tour Shenzhen Conference” hosted by Huoxun Finance was held in Shenzhen. VNT Chain co-founder Zhou Feng was invited to lead the VNT Chain team to participate in the roundtable forum “Enthusiasm for New Infrastructure In the “Cool Thinking of Industrial Blockchain” session, Zhou Feng and the guests discussed the current industry trends, and introduced VNT Chain’s research and promotion in the implementation of industrial blockchain scenarios based on the aggregation chain architecture in the past two years. In the exhibition area of the venue, VNT Chain staff enthusiastically introduced the development history of VNT Chain in the past two years to the onlookers. “Watching Fire China Tour” was created by Huoxun Finance. This Shenzhen Conference has 3 summit forums, more than 10 keynote speeches, 10 roundtable forums, more than 200 industry leaders, and more than 60 heavy guests.

Yunphant Blockchain won the “DeepChain 2020 Most Influential Industry Blockchain Platform” award

On December 23, 2020, the “2020 Non-Consensus Conference and DeepChain Annual Impact Awards Ceremony” hosted by Shenzhen Chain Finance was held at Shenzhen Marriott Hotel. The annual DeepChain influence list was released at the conference. This award is based on online user voting and selection by the conference organizing committee. It aims to select the most influential companies in 2020. Yunphant Blockchain won the “DeepChain 2020 Most Influential Industry Blockchain Platform” award for its outstanding contributions in promoting the implementation of industrial blockchains.

Yunphant Blockchain was selected as the “Most Innovative Blockchain Enterprise of 2020” list

On December 24th, the 3rd Digital Economy and Blockchain Application Summit and the 2020 Blockchain Industry Awards Ceremony held by Zhejiang Merchants Industry Blockchain Promotion Alliance and Hongchain Finance were held in Hangzhou. In the 2020 Blockchain Industry Awards Ceremony, Yunphant Blockchain was selected as the “Most Innovative Blockchain Enterprise of 2020” list. Alibaba Antchain, WeBank, JD Digital, and Huawei also won the list. Well-known companies in the block chain and Inspur Group.

Development Progress

Hubble Network (Public Chain)

  1. SGX technology module that provides data protection for the process of smart contracts accessing off chain key data — 75%
  2. Zero-knowledge proof: an efficient privacy protection blockchain account model based on zk-SNARKs-BlockMaze, double balance model construction — 70%
  3. Zero-knowledge proof: an efficient privacy protection blockchain account model based on zk-SNARKs-BlockMaze, two-step transfer mechanism model construction — 75%
  4. VNT Chain leader platform front-end regular page proposal details page — 100%
  5. VNT Chain leader platform front-end regular page project details page — 100%
  6. VNT Chain leader platform front-end personal page proposal list page — 100%
  7. VNT Chain leader platform front-end regular page item list page — 100%
  8. VNT Chain leader platform front-end comment module — 100%
  9. VNT Chain leader platform front-end voting module — 100%
  10. VNT Chain leader platform admin center module — 100%
  11. VNT Chain leader platform management background user basic function module — 95%
  12. VNT Chain leader platform additional features — 50%

Kepler Route (Cross Chain)

  1. The VNT Chain heterogeneous cross-chain interaction protocol BTCP protocol technical solution design. The BTCP protocol will provide a universal cross-chain standard in the ACCTP ecosystem, and realize the secure data transmission, secure routing and asset circulation between cross-platforms — 80%
  2. A hierarchical design was carried out for the VNT Chain github smart contract code library — 55%



VNT Chain Labs
VNT Chain Labs

VNT Chain targets to build a global distributed smart value network based on blockchain technology.