VNT Weekly | VNT Chain Project Progress

VNT Chain Labs
VNT Chain Labs
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2019

VNT WEEKLY, January 14

This is the weekly report of VNT Chain in which you will find about the latest project updates, community news and development progress. It would be a great honor for us to share exciting news and build the ecology with you!

Project Updates

1. 2019.1.11 — VNT Chain Test Network “DUST” release

The name of the first version of Testnet “DUST” comes from the English word “dust”. This far-reaching code is determined by our team members across all the countries. Although the dust is small, it contains enormous energy. The aura formed by countless dust in the universe collides with each other under the gravitational force and can continuously aggregate to form various kinds of planets, and eventually become the sea of stars.

The core strategy of VNT Chain — One Chain, One Platform and One Interface.

One Chain refers to VNT Chain, a global distributed smart value network with aggregation chain architecture.

One Platform refers to BaaS Platform which helps users to implement the blockchain service quickly and efficiently.

One Interface refers to the traffic entry and interface of VNT Chain

The release of the “DUST” version of the test network is also the beginning of the VNT Chain officially from “0” to “1”, which is our first milestone. So we very happy to tell you that, since January 11, 2019, we have entered into a new world!

2. 2019.1.11 VNT Chain Hubble Netwok open source release

2019.1.11 is a very meaningful day for us.

VNT Chain test network “DUST” was released. In the meanwhile, VNT Chain Hubble Netwok open source project was launched.

This is the first step of VNT Chain from zero to one, and we will gradually open up the code of Kepler Route (Cross Chain), Galileo Network (Consortium Chain).

VNT Chain repositories:

Released modules: public chain, virtual machine, and JSON RPC API


Released documents: smart contract writing, compiling, and deploying documentation; RPC API documentation; Chinese and English white papers; local test network construction manual; Witness registration voting manual.

3. 2019.1.11 VNT Chain White Paper 1.0 Chinese Version Released

VNT Chain Chinese White Paper 1.0 was released on 2019.1.11.

How to get it: Send “白皮书” to VNT Chain WeChat official account to get the full Chinese version.

Community Updates

1. Welcome to our Weibo Channel

Scan the QR codes to interact with VNT Chain’s founders directly!

2. Test Network Release Celebration

Along with the 2019.1.11 “DUST” Testnet release, VNTChain was giving out hundreds of thousands of prizes

1. Red Package 100%! Candy Time!

2. Game tournaments.

3. Campaign start and end time: 11:11am January 11, GMT+8–11:59pm January 16, GMT+8

Development Progress

Consensus Module

  1. Realize the VNT incentive mechanism and complete the incentive calculation and allocation — 100% completed
  2. BFT functional unit testing — 100%completed
  3. Design of block generation policy — 90% completed
  4. Witness incentive function test — 55% completed
  5. Block data structure modification, delete redundant fields — 100% completed
  6. Modify the registration witness interface and expand the witness information field

Smart Contract Module

  1. Optimization of the compilation process of WASM code — 100% completed
  2. WASM support of unit256–100% completed
  3. Optimization of WAVM code architecture, decoupling wagon — 85% completed
  4. C Language smart contract development and deployment documentation — 100% completed
  5. Solution design of C smart contract development tool — 15% completed
  6. Q Language formal proof of the smart contract, Demo — 65% completed
  7. Q Language smart contract formal proof theory framework — 45% completed
  8. Implementation of Additive Compilation Function for Integer and Fixed Point Fraction — 10% completed

Cross Chain

  1. Cross-chain management module development — 85% completed
  2. Public Chain management module development — 75% completed
  3. Consortium Chain management module development — 85% completed
  4. Consortium Chain incentive solution design
  5. Public Chain smart contract development — 75%

Consortium Chain

  1. The Consortium Chain V1.2 Raft Consensus development — 75%
  2. BaaS Platform V1.2 design — 100% completed
  3. BaaS platform V1.2 Network Boot function development — 45% completed
  4. BaaS platform V1.2 organization, node Join function development — 40% completed
  5. The monitoring platform backend development — 95% completed
  6. The monitoring platform frontend development — 90% completed
  7. Coordinate frontend and backend of the monitoring platform — 25% completed


  1. VNT API documents — 100% completed
  2. Gvnt 0.6 development — 100% completed
  3. VNT browser prototyping — 90% completed
  4. VNT browser UI design — 45% completed
  5. VNT frontend framework design — 10% completed



VNT Chain Labs
VNT Chain Labs

VNT Chain targets to build a global distributed smart value network based on blockchain technology.