Unraveling the Tragedy: The Bhopal Disaster

You must know the untold story of the biggest Industrial disaster, The Bhopal Disaster

Biswajeet Srkr
Biswajeet’s Bookshelf
2 min readNov 25, 2023


Photo by Taton Moïse on Unsplashhttps://unsplash.com/@moyse

The Bhopal Disaster, is itself the biggest tragedy in India. Though it happened in India, the Universe could feel the pain.

The night was the 2nd of December 1984. The people of Bhopal were sleeping as usual. They did not expect that the next morning would not be normal again.

Within an hour people experienced breathing difficulties and started bleeding from their mouths. Then they understood that this was the poisonous gas leaking from the Union Carbide Plant in Bhopal.

In 1969, foreign industries kept their eyes on Bhopal to establish their plants. Bhopal people were also happy. They wanted to work in the Union Carbide Plant at any cost.

Union Carbide India Limited, was a company which manufactured pesticides mainly in their Bhopal plant. For the company management, profit was their main priority rather than employee’s safety.

Most of their equipment was neither installed nor maintained properly. More than 40 tons of MIC were stored in tanks as stock which posed a tremendous risk for Bhopal people.

MIC means Methyl Isocyanate Gas, which causes a violent reaction when mixed with water. Due to their lack of maintenance, a water tank leaked and entered into the MIC tank. Then the tank exploded and the gas spread into the fresh air of Bhopal.

Why am I writing about the Bhopal tragedy today? That is the secret.

How they are living now, how healthy are they are now, who is the main culprit, and who helped Bhopal in their difficult days?

To know all about these you have to click here.

A study of 2002 found the lead & mercury in the breastmilk of nursing mothers. Still the rate of birth defect is high in Bhopal than other countries. It is a clear message to all the industries to maintain their equipment properly.

Thanks for reading, Biswajit. Don’t forget to post your valuable comments.



Biswajeet Srkr
Biswajeet’s Bookshelf

I am a professional & certified Content Writer. Just like adding spices to a Pizza, I also add different words, synonyms , emotions & idioms to my writing.