0005. Clock/часы/horloge/Uhr/reloj

Vocabulary World
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2018

Корпус предохраняет часы от пыли.

The housing protects the clock from dust.

Часы́ — прибор для определения текущего времени суток и измерения продолжительности временных интервалов в единицах, меньших, чем одни сутки. Самыми точными часами считаются атомные.

A clock is a device for determining the current time of day and measuring the duration of time intervals in units smaller than one day. The most accurate clocks are atomic.

J’entendais la sonnerie de l’horloge toutes les heures.

I could hear the striking of the clock every hour.



Une horloge est un instrument conventionnel de mesure du temps qui généralement indique l’heure en continu.

A clock is a conventional time measuring instrument that usually indicates the time continuously

Rendez-vous sur la place de la Vieille Ville à temps pour la célèbre cérémonie de l’horloge. Toutes les heures, de petites portes s’ouvrent, des personnages animés apparaissent et les sculptures prennent vie sur l’horloge. La mort, avec son sablier, semble impatiente de passer à l’heure suivante. Les trois autres sculptures représentent la vanité, l’avarice et l’envie. Les douze statuettes de bois sont les apôtres. Lorsque le coq bouge ses ailes, une cloche retentit.

Head to the Old Town Square in time for the famous clock ceremony. Every hour, small doors open, animated characters appear and sculptures come to life on the clock. Death, with its hourglass, seems impatient to move on to the next hour. The other three sculptures represent vanity, greed and envy. The twelve wooden statuettes are the apostles. When the rooster moves its wings, a bell rings.

Das Ticken der Uhr war sehr laut.

The tick of the clock was very loud.

Die Uhr ist ein Messgerät, das den aktuellen Zeitpunkt anzeigt oder eine Zeitspanne misst. In ihrer mehrere Jahrtausende umfassenden Entwicklungsgeschichte von der einfachen Elementaruhr bis zur hochpräzisen Atomuhr stand und steht sie in vielschichtiger Wechselwirkung zur kulturellen, technischen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung der Menschheit.

The clock is a meter that displays the current time or measures a period of time. In its several thousand years of development history from the simple elementary clock to the high-precision atomic clock, it has stood and is in many-layered interaction with the cultural, technical and social development of mankind.

La carcasa protege el reloj del polvo.

The housing protects the clock from dust.

Un reloj es un dispositivo que permite realizar la medición del tiempo y segmentarlo en unidades (segundos, minutos, horas, etc.). El mecanismo del reloj consiste en desarrollar un movimiento de características uniformes, regulándolo con un péndulo. Dicho movimiento se comunica, a través de ruedas, con las agujas o manecillas que indican la hora.

A clock is a device that allows the measurement of time and segment it into units (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.). The mechanism of the clock consists of developing a movement of uniform characteristics, regulating it with a pendulum. This movement is communicated, through wheels, with the hands or hands that indicate the time.

