Vocal Minority funds Coal River Mountain Watch’s fight for Environmental Justice

Chris Plehal
Vocal Minority Blog
2 min readMar 17, 2017

Vocal Minority’s focus for the month of March is the environment. Choosing one grantee was no easy task, as there are many hard working organizations fighting on multiple fronts. Our hope was to support one with a visible, immediate impact on a community. We considered 10 nominees, narrowed to 2 finalists, and then selected one: Coal River Mountain Watch, an organization fighting for environmental justice in southern West Virginia.

To understand why this matters, let’s talk a little bit about mountaintop removal coal mining.

Photo Credit: ForceChange

The EPA defines it as “a mining practice where the tops of mountains are removed, exposing the seams of coal… the earth from the mountaintop is then dumped in the neighboring valleys.”

Mountaintop removal coal mining is linked to several public health impacts, including elevated rates of cancer, heart disease, birth defects, and other deadly illnesses. These aren’t far-off effects that might be felt in the future. They’re very real, right now, and affecting communities in the Appalachian region of West Virginia.

Photo Credit: Coal River Mountain Watch

Using local knowledge and technical expertise, CRMW works stop the destruction of communities and environment by mountaintop removal mining. They pressure regulatory agencies to protect community health and create policy change. They educate, mobilize, and organize citizens to stand for environmental justice. CRMW envisions “stronger and more self-sufficient communities that are in control of their natural resources.”

Maria Gunnoe, CRMW’s community outreach and issue organizer, was awarded the 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize winner for North America. (There’s only one winner per continent, so this is a pretty big deal.)

Their operating budget is around $200K, so our $5K grant will make a big difference. We’d like to thank all our members who have made this grant possible, and encourage everyone to join in.

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