Vocal Minority Funds the Right to Vote

Chris Oakley
Vocal Minority Blog
2 min readJul 20, 2017

The Vocal Minority Community is proud to announce its July grantee: VoteRiders

Wisconsin voter Sarada casting her vote in the November 2016 election

Meet Sarada. She is a high school teacher from Wisconsin. She immigrated to the United States as an infant and became a US Citizen at eight. She has voted in every election since she turned 18. Due to the lack of the documentation required by her state, Sarada’s ability to vote in the 2016 election was put into jeopardy.

While many of us may take our right to vote for granted, there are millions of Americans, just like Sarada, that have been disenfranchised by strict voter laws. Sadly, her story is not unique.

Currently, 32 states request or require voter ID to be able to cast a ballot. On a federal level, the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has requested that states send highly confidential personal voter data to their committee for review. This type of request demonstrates that the current Administration’s goal is to further prevent eligible voters from exercising their constitutional right. Our grantee, VoteRiders, is determined to help rectify this issue.

Founded in 2012, VoteRiders’ mission is to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their right to vote. VoteRiders informs and helps citizens to secure their voter ID as well as inspires and supports organizations, local volunteers, and communities to sustain voter ID education and assistance efforts. While VoteRiders assists individuals across the nation, their focus area is those states that pose the strictest voter ID laws.

Their unique blend of education and action provides VoteRiders with the ability to reach a large audience. In 2016, VoteRiders reached more than 10 million people through media and marketing. This is especially impressive considering their annual revenue of $164,000. This type of reach shows those individuals, disenfranchised by strict voter laws, that assistance is available to help them get on the path to cast their vote.

Whether it is covering the cost of required documents for low income voters, arranging transportation to obtain their voter ID or informing voters about their rights, VoteRiders works tirelessly to provide these resources to as many Americans as possible, ensuring that they are able to vote. Your support this month will help to provide these invaluable resources to the individuals, like Sarada, that need them most.

We’ll be collecting donations for VoteRiders until the end of July. Not a Vocal Minority member? Consider joining us here: http://vocalminority.us/join.



Chris Oakley
Vocal Minority Blog

Financial Aid Admin | Angels Fan | Broncos Fan | Sometimes Blogger