
A poem about stars.

Miguel Adrover
vocES en Español


A very old star, once dubbed the Methuselah Star. Image via the ESA. (CC BY 4.0)

wandering body,
different cosmic flavors,
some as dense as a trillion Babylons…
all those cities crammed in a venerean volume.

ishtar — star — planet,
they got me wanderlust: wonder in a body;
celestial songs caress The Great Vault,
starlight dances
en la clave*.

estrellita dime por favor**.

which one is your flavor —
are you about to collapse,
is supernova your woe?

which one is your taxon,
are your daughters
planetary diamonds,
have they whelped eudaimonia?

estrellita dime por favor.

*the key; salsa timing.
**dear star: please, tell me, please.

Related media

This story is a late response to the Star Week Writing Prompt, by Jenny Justice.

