Introduction: Stewarding your wealth through the coming recession

Avi Deutsch
Vodia Capital
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2018

In this series of articles we discuss what to expect in the coming recession, and how investors can tackle the social and economic challenges that are likely to come to be exposed in the coming months and years.

The tremendous impact of economics and finance on our lives is beyond dispute. Yet, until recently, many investors chose to ignore the impact of their investment decisions on the world we live in, and treat social and environmental challenges as the purview of government and philanthropy.

At Vodia Capital we take a different approach. Our investment methodology begins with recognizing our responsibility as stewards of wealth towards building a stronger and more just society for this and future generations. Starting with the challenges around us, we design portfolios that deliver stable returns through low volatility by focusing on sectors and geographies across asset classes with potential for economic growth and social and environmental impact.

In 2018, we observe the end of a long and slow economic recovery that has left our country divided and fraught with mistrust of political institutions, financial markets, and each other. All this evolves as we enter into an inevitable economic downturn in the coming years.

In this series of articles, we will lay out the great social and economic challenges our nation currently faces, and the role of investors in addressing the looming crises in areas such as healthcare, student debt, income inequality, and the federal deficit. The picture may seem bleak at times, but in the pieces of a broken system lay the possibility of a better future.

Read Part 1: What to expect in the next recession



Avi Deutsch
Vodia Capital

I am a Principal at Vodia Capital where I help investors achieve their financial goals by aligning their investments with their values.