Eye of a modern AI

Voice of Code
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2020

In this universe, everything has a symmetry encoded deep into its core. Symmetry is the reason for an entity to become beautiful. If we contemplate the recess of the formation of those symmetric cores we can observe that almost everything has an interrelated pattern. Actually “What is a pattern?” is it some kind of drawing or is it some kind of a picture. It is a pure coding done by some external being, some say it god some says it is energy but the basis of everything, the beauty that we see in this nature is a deep enigma moulded into a reality so that we can perceive it. But what if we are a kind of AI like the movie Matrix told. What if this whole world is a kind of computer program. Then we can be sure about one thing that is human thoughts or intellect can be a farrago of the combination of 0s and 1s just like a modern computer program. Just think if such a program can make a human think, walk, take a decision then why cannot we create an AI of the same.

Let me correct this, actually machines also think. But they don’t think like us. But I am saying what if we create a program that can think like a human. Most people think it is not possible because currently we all human beings are thinking linearly that is a machine can solve only a problem with a trained dataset so it would consume decades for a program to be close to a human (in every way from thoughts to emotions) still it will not be a perfect and we don’t know how to produce emotions perfectly.

Now let us sit back and think it irrationally. Let us suppose if we are part of a complicated computer program, on what basis we are thinking. Then most of us will say it is on data. Yaa, it is true because when a child is born, it does not know anything literally because till that day that child was in the womb and he got all the things for its survival from the mother. But when he comes out of a womb, For the first time in his life he inhales the air “That is the first data” then starts to cry because of the pain “That is the second data “if pain: cry else: sleep”. But as a child spends more time on Earth he gathers more data and information from these he starts to learn. Till now all is good but have you ever wondered how a child learns these emotions according to the circumstances. They learn it through their thoughts

Like in this figure. The 1st boy told, “This is my fault…..” We are taught that fault is a negative word now our brain comes to know “Ok there is a word called fault” Which it relates to all the datasets it learned and checks the rest of the words. The rest of the sentence is a regret tone which the brain came to know when he subconsciously starts to think he is feeling sad. Actually, we are thinking without we even knowing. Now let’s come to the origin of how our brain learned fault is a negative word. We learned this from our surroundings. Our brain processes and stores information without knowing.

Similarly, in the case of a machine, there should be two sets like a human: one conscious set and the other subconscious set. Or we can say one set tries to learn from the surroundings and the other set stores and gives what is asked by the other. Theoretically, everything is possible. Yes, I know that, but if we start to think that Artificial Intelligence is like us more precisely “Artificial Intelligence as us”, then we can get the unasked questions from our unexplored mind. Yes, I know what we are currently doing is madness but sometimes the maddest ideas are the ones that will change the very beginning and very end of our perceived reality. Let’s move a little further to the true depths of Intelligence

Now the next question is will that human-like Artificial Intelligence will dominate over humans. The answer to this question will be based on the way we program a subconscious mind to the machine. If we initially implant positive facts and ideas, the chances of AI ruling over humans will be low. Yes, everything is an irrational thought but I believe the foundation of this new era of technology is on irrational thoughts. If the Wright brothers never dreamed to fly then we will never be able to travel through the air. I believe someday at some point humans will travel in a way that history never travelled.

The era of robots beginning to think is possible because we humans themselves are fleshy machines. The wires of our machine are our veins, the current is through our soul. And we are programmed to think and survive. If we think this deeply without looking against it we will feel that this is true but no one is ready to accept it. Most refuse this idea because everyone is not ready to accept the fact that machines are better than humans. Even though this assumption is true to an extent, But more precisely we are creating it to help mankind. Most people are not willing to accept that we ourselves are Intelligence only difference between the word machine and humans are machines are created by humans and humans are created by another intellectual being or energy. I believe in a future where human-created intelligence is helping us in every way rather than always killing them in most sci-fi movies.

I am ending here by saying that. The current AI is the stepping stone to a new era of perception where we will make the fantasy come true and the current reality and wrong perception to the past. Always believe in the craziest ideas

Like Daniel F. Galouye, Said How do we know that even the most real of realities wouldn’t be subjective, in the final analysis? Nobody can prove his existence, can he?

