Voice of Code
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2020

Let’s start by asking the question “Who is Tony Stark ?”. The most common answer is, he is the “Iron Man”. But from the viewpoint of an engineer, he is a techie. We, humans, are all misunderstood by a simple fact “If we study one field then we can only do works in that particular field only”. The character Tony Stark is a brilliant physicist, chemist, programmer, entrepreneur, etc. He does a lot of works in different fields. I am not saying he is a rolling stone, I am saying that he saw nature as a single subject and did whatever he could with all the miracles of nature. These miracles include all the subjects we are learning today.

Source: Google

He invented JARVIS a superb Artificial Intelligence, mini arch reactor, the great Iron Man suit, new element, etc. Even though it all happened through the film series. What Iron Man or Tony Stark is trying to say to this world is that we should make what is needed to the world rather than fixing in one subject and thinking that, doing other subject is bad for our health. Now let us discuss in depth the gadgets that Tony Starks builds in the films.

JARVIS image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=JARVIS&tbm=isch&safe=active&chips=q:jarvis,g_1:iron+man:lGXDLPjJVUM%3D&r
JARVIS image source: https://www.google.com/search?q=JARVIS&tbm=isch&safe=active&chips=q:jarvis,g_1:iron+man:lGXDLPjJVUM%3D&r

JARVIS is a personal assistant build with highly complicated Artificial Intelligence Machine learning kinds of stuff. It is a precise and user-friendly personal assistant. Now we all know what it does how it looks but have you ever wondered or ever contemplated on how Tony builds this or have you ever wondered how can you make one. Most probably no. But this is actually possible. Just imagine a JARVIS in your home and you are doing all your work with the help of it like Tony Stark does. This is not impossible because every fantasy originates from a human, if a human can make such a complicated fantasy then converting it to a live working form will not be that hard. But the thing that is stopping us is the chain of fields we opted in our life. A person who learned only computing cannot be able to build JARVIS fully. For converting such fantasy to reality we should forget our fields and combine the knowledge

Source: Google

What if Tony Stark ever wondered there are only 118 elements in a periodic table and it is impossible to find a new one. Then he would never be able to find it. Even though this is a movie many people living on our earth or lived on our earth has a similar personality, like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, etc. Elon Musk never sticks

Source Google

to a single field for his whole life. He creates new things from different fields just like Tony Stark. If Elon Musk ever thought he will never be able to launch a rocket or if he ever thought “It is impossible to create a private agency like NASA” then he will never be able to do that. Tony Stark is living in many of us. We just need to wake it up. Even though we never invented the wheel we could create new innovative things from the wheel.

Tony starks used technology to save his life, that technology changed the way he used to think about reality. It's not the way we see is true it's the way we contemplate becomes the reality. Every fantasy has a true story hidden in it. In this fantasy, the unreal Tony Stark is trying to give a message to all the living Tony Stark that is “Make gadgets to help the world, Make gadgets without fearing your fields, Make gadgets without thinking its impossibility”

