Looking Back at the Voice Summit

Voice Tech Global
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2018

Back in July, Polina, Tim and I attended the Amazon-sponsored Voice Summit in Newark, NJ.

The event was attended by more than 200 speakers and 3,000 conference-goers. If you want to experience much of the content from the event, there are 165 videos available. Be prepared, however, as many of the videos run 30 minutes or longer.

With the benefit of six months since attending the summit, we’d like to offer our reflections and share a few key themes we extracted during two very full days densely filled with presentations and workshops we think paint a picture of the Voice technology space as we know it today.

[To read roundups from the conference, follow this link to a Google search results list.]

Over the course of a three-part series, we’ll look at the global state of Voice technology — the current major players in the space as well as some of the remaining challenges that prevent the technology from becoming an established worldwide channel for services such as interactive voice response. Then, we do a deep-dive into specific industries such as healthcare and automotive and the impact offered by voice user interfaces, exploring current use cases as well as highlight some key points for future opportunities. Finally, we will drill down to the practitioners level by discussing the design as the differentiator for the technology’s future.

Part I: Smart speakers & market analysis

Part II: Lessons From Early Adopters of Voice

Part III: Building Voice application (Link coming soon)

(from left to right) Guy, Polina and Tim

We also wanted to give a shout out to the city of Newark. While you did not end up winning the bid for Amazon HQ2, we received an amazing welcome from you during the summit. For those of you who travel through Newark on your way to New York City and other destinations, there is a lot more to see than just the airport.



Voice Tech Global

Software engineer, Google Cloud Platform Certified Data Engineer, Co Founder @ VoiceTechGlobal