Creating Training API for Text Classifier Predictive Model

Voice Tech Podcast
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2019

Text classification is the process of assigning tags or categories to text according to its content. We will be building a text classification model and create an api for serving. Let us start.

Training Data : We are using small data set related to T20 cricket leagues to understand the code flow line by line

Training Data Set

Code Component Details:

Code Components

We will go through each of these code components

trainingData.json : It contains the training data set in json format

Training Data set in json format


We are using flask to run the services. In our case the training service will be running at http://localhost:9060/


The service to initiate the training would be http://localhost:9060//api/v1.0/train/textClassifier/model

The above API will call the function textClassifierTrainer() which is inside


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The above code 1) reads the training file 2) converts the data to bag of words using 1 hot encoding 3) prepares training data set 4) builds a 3 layers neural network 4) saves the model files at G:\textClassifier\trainedModel

Execution Steps

Open the conda prompt and go to G:\textClassifier\machine_learning_training_service\api\

execute python

The application is up and running at http://localhost:9060/

Open Advance Rest Client chrome extension and execute http://localhost:9060/api/v1.0/train/textClassifier/model as shown below:

Log shows training got completed

Model files gets generated at G:\textClassifier\trainedModel

In the next Post, I will be posting the steps to use the above model for prediction task using API http://localhost:9080/api/v1.0/leagues

Thanks for your time, likes and claps :)

