How can a Chatbot Promote your Product?

Voice Tech Podcast
Published in
6 min readJan 7, 2021

Globally, chatbots are evolving significantly and improving the marketplace for the better.

chatbot promote your product

The biggest reason behind this is emerging technologies, and the biggest thanks go to AI (Artificial Intelligence) and NLP (Natural language processing). It helps them to power and make them way smarter than ever to help businesses survive in this cutting-edge competition. Brands and companies have realized that a sales bot is an incredibly sophisticated, feasible, and versatile tool that helps automate business processes.

It not only supports improving customer care services, but it can also be a part of your brand’s marketing strategy with which you can push your audience seamlessly through your sales funnel.

Today, we will discuss some ways Chatbot marketing can fit into your strategy for promoting products and services.

“Chatbot marketing is a way to promote products and services via bot. It follows a predesigned scenario or responses with the support of AI.”

The adoption rate of such marketing ways is rising immensely following the dynamic market. Nowadays, customers are quite smart and intelligent and get annoyed with old CSS ways. Thus, it is quite essential to introduce better and intelligent ways to connect with the audience.

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Chatbot Marketing Tips to Follow

Before making you understand how to promote, give a glance over some of the tips to consider, which would help you get a fantastic marketing strategy for your brand.

Find and analyze FAQs

To build a precise and useful sales bot, examine the areas your audience finds tough to understand. Is it easy to navigate through the store? Are your customers well aware of your products and services?

You can analyze the data within any marketing platform you already use, and you can go for a small survey. After, summarise and set your free web chatbot to answer repetitive questions or FAQs to give quick solutions will save your time.

Test your Sales Bot AI

Before deploying it permanently, always test it. Find and analyze where it is lacking; it is going with your Chatbot marketing strategy. Then, launch it with full-fledged armor and let it interact with your audience. Keep an eye over the performance and get insights on how to improve it.

Create Specific and Relevant Conversation Tunnels

Always remember, your sales bot AI should always be specific, relevant, and error-free when solving user problems. Give properly analyzed steps as any step you missed will result in an unpleasant experience for users. This will eventually give your brand the wrong impression. It is Technology to help humans; hence, it still doesn’t know what humans want. But you have the ultimate Conclusion

The exquisite blend of Chatbot marketing and other social media platforms has become the top destinations for brands in the current era. It’s no surprise why sales bots have gained a leading position in the market. Brands are more into virtual assistants by implementing them into the marketing strategy. You’ll be able to learn more about your customer base and reach new customers to monetize your social media profiles. “BotPenguin” can help you design your sales bot AI without coding knowledge within 10 minutes or less.

power to make it worthy enough for your users. Limit the content, build a conversation tunnel-one for each task such as

  • Answering FAQs
  • Placing and confirming orders
  • Scheduling meetings and appointments
  • And more.

In case it fails to understand the user’s query, let them know they can contact a human agent for further information.

Make a Unique Free Web Chatbot

A digital marketplace is all about being unique and different from others. Numerous websites are competing every single day. That one point of difference decides who will be on top. Building a sales bot isn’t as easy it seems.

As Chatbot aims to handle real person interaction, please give it a name that tells about your brand. For instance, if you are into car-rental services, then it must correlate with it. This will help you connect instantly. Try to communicate your overall brand image and niche by its appearance and name.

Ask Permission to Share Information or News

Once the user landed at your sales bot starts interacting. Later, you can send regular scheduled text messages or emails with updates and other industry news. But always remember not to bombard users, send timely weekly messages, or as per your wish. It would be great if your Chatbot asked for permission first but not to do it often.

Collect and Ask for Data

Use your Chatbot for collecting customer information such as name, age, location, and email addresses to have a better understanding and nurturing. With this, you can persuade, motivate, and offer a more personalized way of customer service.

Promote your Sales Bot

Let your customers know you are here for them, don’t forget to promote your Chatbot!

How to Promote Products and Services via a Sales Bot?

Now let’s talk about the ways of promoting products and services for better productivity.

Offer a Customized Experience

optimizeHaving an interaction with someone who knows you by name can quickly conclude and alter the whole scenario. As they are integrated over social media, gathering data about every person depends on how to optimize the interaction and lead it to the next step. Hence, this can be achieved by offering a personalized way of the shopping experience as the solutions will be based on the purchase history and their preferences.

Huge Engaging Power

One of the exciting parts of this flamboyant Technology is a free web chatbot that engages and motivates your customers and retains them. This means that you need to involve other entertaining tools to keep your customers for longer. For instance, it ended because it didn’t have much more to offer. This will leave a negative impact and make your customers go. And to eliminate this, you need to learn the scenario, make your bot send information, try to up-sell and cross-sell via more conversational ways.

Reach a Wider Scale

Chatbot marketing is predominant as its tool can be everywhere, with no limits, no boundaries. Take advantage of it entirely!

Try to reach a greater extent by tapping into new demographics, integrating across multiple messaging platforms. With this, you can be ready for your customers within a few efforts. Open and grab more fantastic opportunities for you to increase sales in the longer run.

Make Communicating more Fun with the Brand

Old ways are too dull to follow!

With a smart and fun-loving customer base, you need to have quality conversations. At the same time, a sales bot can deliver fun, vibrant, and quality information. An example of this would be the chatbot. It lets the customers search and book hotels by more straightforward texts over Facebook Messenger. It’s quite engaging and attractive to use.

Gig to be added

chat bot

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The exquisite blend of Chatbot marketing and other social media platforms has become the top destinations for brands in the current era. It’s no surprise why sales bots have gained a leading position in the market. Brands are more into virtual assistants by implementing them into the marketing strategy.

You’ll be able to learn more about your customer base and reach new customers to monetize your social media profiles. “BotPenguin” can help you design your sales bot AI without coding knowledge within 10 minutes or less.

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Voice Tech Podcast

BotPenguin is an AI-powered Chatbot Platform, build incredible Chatbots to Communicate and Engage your customers on WhatsApp, Website, Facebook & Telegram