How to create a fact application for Google Assistant

Rahul Sinha
Voice Tech Podcast
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2020

Hey All, We all will know how to create a simple application for Google Assistant.

First of all, should know about Google Assistant. Google Assistant is an artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistant developed by Google that is primarily available on mobile and smart home devices.

Google Assistant is a very popular personal assistant. We can create apps easily and deploy to use. As google’s assistant is found in every android cell phone, you can your app popular fastly. We will create a simple fact application without using a single line of code.

We can create Google Assistant apps in multiple languages.

To help you to get the start, we have put a brief step by step process to create your own first application for Google Assistant.

Step 1: Open google console. Click on a new project. Give a Project Name, Choose the language as English, and select your country. Then Click on Create Project.

Give a project name

Step 2: Then you will get a lot of options to choose to create your first project. So, you have to come down to More Option, there you have to choose “ Conversational”.

Choose Conversational

Step 3: Now you will be navigated to the Overview section. Here, you will see 3 phases to build to your app. First is the simple Front-end part where we have to give invocation name. Secondly, build our action and third to deploy our action.


Step 4: We have to go with Quick Setup. You will come to the Build section, here we have to give Invocation name as same as in Amazon Alexa. Give name as “ Space Fact”, then Save it. On the left side, you will see a written Invocation betow that you’ll see Actions. Come to Actons, then just click on Get Started to build our app.

Give invocation name

Step 5: After clicking on “ Get Started”, you’ll see a popup window. Just choose the top option, “ Custom Intent”. Click on Build.

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Step 6: After clicking on Build, you will be navigated to “Dialog Flow”. Dialog FLow acts as a backend where we will add utterances and intents as we do in Amazon Alexa.

  • Select language as English
  • Select your preferred country

Now click on Create, it will save the things and you will be navigated to the main page where we will add intent and utterances.

Create intents

We have to create intent, edit intent. So click on Create Intent. After creating, click on Training Phrases here we have added some sample phrases or utterances, also add an intent name Space-fact like -

Intent name and Training Phrases

Now go down and click on “ Responses”. Here we have to add some space facts. So click on Default & add some space facts. You can add as many numbers of facts of your choice.

Add some space facts

After adding Responses, you will Google Assistant written beside Default. In Google Assistant, click on Add Response and choose Suggestion Chips. We can add some of your training phrases so that user can directly click on that suggestion chips to get new facts. Then save it and then click on Intent to come on the main page.

Add suggestion chips

You can add many suggestion chips and it should be exactly similar to your training phrases.

Step 9: Now again create a new intent as End Intent, in which we will add the Goodbye text. In training phrases, just write some end phrases for the user like -

Add some utterances

End Intent and Training phrases

Again go down to Responses and in Default, write your ending output text and also enable the set this intent as the end of the conversation. And Save it.

Step 10: Again comes to the main page, this time we will edit the “welcome intent”. In this intent, we don’t have to edit much. Just to down to Responses and choose Google Assistant. Click on add response and choose “ Simple Response” and write your welcome messages. Also, choose suggestion chips to add some suggestions for the user. Then Save it.

Note: Suggestion chips text should be the same as you have given in the training phrases of your space-fact intent and end intent.

There you will see in the simulator “ Step 11: Now it’s time to test our app. So on your right side, you will see “ See your work in Google Assistant”, just click on that to test your skill. Talk to space facts” written or invocation name. Click on it to test your app.

Hurray!! you successfully created your first application for Google assistant. Explore more of the option console and try to deploy and tell your friends to use your app in the Google Home.

Something just for you



Rahul Sinha
Voice Tech Podcast

Technology enthusiast. Keen interest is in Python, Voice technology, Azure, and IoT. Keen to learn new things.