How to publish an Alexa skill in Alexa skill store.

Rahul Sinha
Voice Tech Podcast
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2020

You all came to know here, how to publish your Alexa skill in the Alexa skill store. This reference is for them who have successfully tested their skill in the simulator and working very well.

Otherwise, your skill won’t be pass or during validation, you will get many error messages.

So after, successfully testing your skill, navigate to distribution where we have to fill some necessary details of the skill as we give details before publishing our apps in Android or iOS.

Here the necessary details are as follows:

  • Give your Public name which will be visible in the Alexa skill store
  • Give one short description of your skill
  • Give a detailed description of your skill. Here you can also social media details, contact information, and other details like your company description but all the things should be related to your skill only.
  • Add some What’s new if you modification in the skill in the future.
  • Now, the most important add some example phrases so that the user can know how to open your skill. You should add a minimum of 3 example phrases. For example-

Alexa, open food facts
Alexa, launch food facts
Alexa start food facts

  • Add one small icon and one large icon
  • Choose one suitable category for your skill from the drop-down.
  • For privacy policy — edit it according to your skill and for terms and conditions — edit this also and upload it your google cloud or amazon cloud. Just paste the shareable link in that text field.

Note: By the way, Privacy policy and T&C are optional unless you are taking confidential information like name, address, phone number, or other important things.

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Now click on Save and Continue, then you will be navigated to Privacy & Compliance, just click on right radio box and give a Tick mark on Export Compliance and give some testing instruction for the user like

Alexa open food facts
tell me one food facts

Then again click on Save and Continue. You will be navigated to Availability there you have to select “ Public” under the access to the skill.

You have to Untick → “Opt into automated locale distribution” and then select All Countries if you want to launch your skill in all over the world. Then again click on Save and Continue.

Now it’s come to end. Click on Run for validation, it will check for error. If there is any error it shows you to fix it. It doesn’t then congrats go for Submission.

See in Publishing preference that it has been selected “ Certify and Publish” if it then simply click on upper-right corner blue-button Submit for review.

Congratulation your skill is under review and after 2 hrs it will be Live. Come after 2 hrs again on Certification page there you will get a share link. You share your Alexa skill with your family and friends so that they enable it and use it in their echo device.

You will also get an email regarding that your skill is Live. I hope you understand how to publish an Alexa skill to Alexa skill store and earn money if you maximum 300 users in a month.

Something just for you



Rahul Sinha
Voice Tech Podcast

Technology enthusiast. Keen interest is in Python, Voice technology, Azure, and IoT. Keen to learn new things.