Top 5 Healthcare Chatbot Use Case You need to Know

Bharti Purohit
Voice Tech Podcast
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2020


Here are the top five use cases of chatbots in the healthcare industry.

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Since the evolution of chatbots, there were many predictions that chatbots are going to replace human jobs in the future. And we have witnessed this trend in various industries such as customer service, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, engineering, etc.

But, can chatbots replace Nurses and doctors in the healthcare industry? Well, the chances are very less of that as each person is unique in health, and it can pose a threat to human life even if there is just a simple mistake in the medical treatment.

But, chatbots have become a reliable virtual assistant in healthcare services. These bots can handle administrative and helpdesk tasks that improve services’ quality while saving time and reducing cost.

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Benefits of chatbots in healthcare;

Chatbots can help the clinical staff by reducing their daily caseloads. Bots analyze the patient data, and based on that; they advise an online discussion with a clinician instead of a visit to their physical office. Thus, the burden of the medical professional can be reduced with the use of chatbot technology in healthcare.

It possesses more relevance in today’s COvid-19 pandemic situation wherein healthcare providers are facing an unprecedented burden. Medical centers can reduce the pressure on their systems with the help of chatbots.

Some other benefits of chatbots in the healthcare industry are;

  • Provide solutions for simple medical issues
  • Medication management
  • Immediate support in emergencies
  • Better organization of patient pathways

Now, let’s look at the use cases of chatbots in healthcare that can improve effectiveness and quality healthcare services.

Healthcare Chatbot Use Cases;

1. Chacking Symptoms

Chatbots can be used for checking the symptoms. Many healthcare providers use it so that users can check their symptoms to understand the medical condition. As chatbots use NLP, they can easily understand the request of the user irrespective of the input.

Chatbots help patients to narrow down the cause behind their symptoms by assessing information with the knowledge of the input. The patient can decide whether over-the-counter medications are enough, or there is a need for professional treatment.

With chatbots, patients can save their time and cost, whereas doctors can provide more attention to serious patients; hence it becomes a win-win situation for both.

2. Scheduling Appointment

Many of us would have experienced long waits on the phone for fixing an appointment with a doctor. But with chatbots, you can schedule appointments with doctors using text or messaging application that too with zero human interaction.

Image Source: Pinterest

Chatbots can also offer a customized experience to users while booking appointments by simplifying the business process. Moreover, patients can also get appointment reminders by chatbots.

3. Answering Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions are the most commonplace aspect of the website. Many healthcare service providers are transforming FAQs with the interactive chatbot feature designed to answer users’ general inquiries.

Hospitals and clinics are implementing this so that users can easily find the required information. For instance, a chatbot can answer various common questions like what are the business hours, what are the required documents for receiving treatments, how much expense will be covered by insurance, what are the payment tariff rates, etc.,

Image Source: Pinterest

This way, patients won’t need to call the clinic for small queries. Thus, chatbots work like an all-in-one solution for answering all the general questions of patients in just seconds.

4. Health Tracking

Chatbots are very beneficial for patients who need medical assistance on a regular basis. Healthcare service providers can generate a link between patients and their doctors. So, now chatbot can provide information and record of the health condition of the patient and assist in chacking the prescribed management medication.

Florence is an excellent example of such a chatbot. It is a personal medical system developed for patients requiring long-term medical care. It offers information about health tracking, statistics, and clinic locations.

5. Billing and Registration

A chatbot is able to take care of registration, inventory, payment, and insurance claims management with the integration with backend systems for generating the invoices. Service providers can implement a chatbot for answering questions regarding insurance claims, process, and coverage.


Chatbots opens up an ocean of opportunities for healthcare service providers. Here we have seen the healthcare chatbot use case that highlights how chatbots automate the patient interaction in the healthcare industry. With the chatbot app development company, you can also build a chatbot for your hospital to offer supreme convenience for your patients.

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Bharti Purohit
Voice Tech Podcast

Digital marketing executive. I like to follow the technical updates and love to write about them!