How Do We Reinvent Web As the Way Tim Berners Lee did.

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3 min readJun 15, 2018

In the same way Tim Berners Lee “invented” the World Wide Web, the Voiceweb Foundation (VoiceCoin) is inventing the “next generation” WWW (World Wide Web): the voice-based web, or Voice Web. Whereas the traditional web was designed for the PC internet, we are creating a new web for the voice internet. To enable a voice-based internet world, we have to begin by creating a voice-based DNS (Domain Name System). In the area of “currency”, Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that has gained some traction operating on the traditional web. As the traditional World Wide Web gives way to the Voice Web, we will begin to adopt VoiceCoin, a new cryptocurrency we are creating as a native aspect of the next generation Voice Web. VoiceCoin will be the money that powers the voice internet.


Tim Berners Lee’s World Wide Web includes three building blocks: URL (DNS+file path), HTTP, and HTML. His invention enables the PC internet and Graphic User Interfaces (GUI’s or “screens”). We are now moving into the Internet of Things (IoT) which will connect 75 billion devices by 2020. Instead of screens and keyboards, the vast majority of IoT devices will adopt Conversational User Interfaces (CUI), creating a dilemma: How will we input URLs? How will we make use of HTML? How can we transfer data using legacy HTTP protocol? In the age of voice, how can we make efficient use of the traditional WWW web?

Value proposition

Over the next few years, we will witness a major revolution in terminal devices, application user interfaces, underground protocols, and user behavior. This impending disruption requires that we overhaul Tim Berners Lee’s three key building blocks of the World Wide Web to meet the challenge. Otherwise, a handful of giant companies will continue to increase their domination of the World Wide Web and of everyday life. The next generation internet needs to reclaim and preserve the openness represented in the original internet.

Our solution

Many have noticed that Protocol Labs is trying to replace HTTP with their IPFS. HTML, it appears, will also be updated to conversational HTML. URLs and especially DNS, will be updated to a voice enabled DNS system. This is precisely what we aspire to create: a Voice Naming System (VNS) for the next generation DNS that is more advanced, decentralized, and secure than the traditional DNS because it is developed based on blockchain technology. In its initial stage, VoiceCoin will be the currency that powers this VNS.

The Voiceweb Foundation is creating a WWW 2.0 protocol stack with a particular focus on creating a decentralized, voice-enabled DNS system. Namecoin was trying to develop a decentralized DNS, but the team never found an appropriate target market. The Voiceweb Foundation (VoiceCoin) is now creating a voice enabled, decentralized DNS, which will solve the Voice Internet naming problem for the IoT industry.

At first glance, you may think our project is too broad and over-ambitious. However, the problem we will address is the current pain point or bottleneck for the entire Voice Internet and the IoT industry. The current bottleneck situation is comparable to the “Free WAP” era in the mobile internet due to the laggard World Wide Web. Like the mobile internet 10 years ago, the voice internet is still in a very early development stage. Now is time to leverage blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to create the necessary protocols for a rapid takeoff.

