An Open Letter to America

Hugo Gomez
Voices From The Classroom
4 min readJan 18, 2018

Dear America,

My name is Hugo and I am a student at Summit Shasta. In my English class, we have been completing a project about multiple sides of war. In this project, I have been learning about war mostly in the Middle East by reading articles discussing the issues in the Middle East. Our project asked us to consider the essential question, should the US intervene in-national conflict. Through this project, I realized we are only causing more conflicts intervening in war because we are just killing the citizens in the countries involved in this conflict. I wanted to write to America, including the President, Donald Trump, specifically, because Trump sometimes is going towards war which is not the correct way to go towards. We should not intervene in-national conflict because it will only affect the people in the war and not improve our lives at all.

My topic that I wanted to talk about is not engaging in-national conflict because it is a waste of innocent lives and suffering through out the entire world. I picked this topic in particular because America has been having conflicts with significant countries in the Middle East like Syria and other countries with terrorist influence. My research has made me see that war in the Middle East is a gigantic problem because war is constantly causing peoples lives to end. This is important because war in general can be hard to deal with for people and only causes more suffering. I know this is true because I personally know someone that fought in war in Afghanistan and came back nearly dead. Luckily he did not pass but now he can only see with one eye. In my own experience, this is hard to deal with in family finding out that someone you closely know nearly died in war. He was in the hospital for many months and many other soldiers he knew in war had passed away. He had a purple heart meaning he was in critical condition and was struggling to survive. He is now a veteran because he is unable to fight again in war, but he now has children and is living happily but war did indeed affected him.

I know what you are thinking, war in the Middle East might end the conflict of terrorism in the most extreme way. We want a conflict to end as fast as possible and sometimes the other side is being very hard to deal with so war could be the only option. War has been going on for a long so shouldn’t be working because we never stopped using war as a way to end a conflict. War just might be the only way to end a conflict .We want to end this conflict because it is a highly talked about conflict because we are constantly having a problem with terrorist. The Middle East has been having a problem for a huge amount time and the U. S just wants to end this situation. If many people are dying from these attacks, people will not feel safe to go anywhere.

However, many people have died in war and how does it actually solve this conflict by killing more people than the other country, according to Huffington Post in 2013, nearly 500,000 people have died in the Iraq War from 2003–2011. 500,000 people is significant amount of people and that number is still growing. How are all these innocent lives worth it for this conflict to possibly still go on, this also could cause more problems with other countries like the US and Russia. Russia is supporting the Syrian Government while we the U.S are supporting the Syrian rebels because Syrian rebels do not like the Syrian Government as well as the U.S who also do not like the Syrian Government. This is a problem because the U.S and Russia are having grudges about whom to support which could lead to more intervention in war. While this is a serious problem, just trying to get out of war and finding other solutions to the problem might be an action we can take to solve it.

Finally, I hope America and even Trump, will realize that war is not always the way to solve a problem. We should just trying and maturely solve by discussing this problem with other national leaders and discuss why we should not go to war because it is only making the conflict worse and also, we should have meeting with other countries trying to solve the problem going around the world. There are many ways to end this conflict, this will make a difference because there will be less political problems and we will just solve problems more maturely instead of just fighting. I appreciate your time taking a look at this letter for me to help change your perspective of war.


Hugo Gomez

