An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi

Kelly Li
Voices From The Classroom
4 min readDec 31, 2019

Dear Nancy Pelosi,

Hello! My name is Kelly, and I am a student at a charter school in San Francisco. In my English class, we have been completing a project about the theme family and relationships. Through this project, I have realized that abortion has still not been legalized across the United States. I wanted to write to you, specifically, because I know you have the power to make abortion legal in the United States.You are a woman too and I am sure you can understand the pain of not being able to do what you want with your body just because a few men said you couldn’t. Based on my research, I argue that abortion should be legalized in the United States because it is a woman’s right and it can possibly help with the current population crisis.

To start, abortion is a woman’s right and it should be protected. To give some context on this issue, abortion is currently illegal in some states in the United States because people think that it is morally wrong to kill the life inside the woman, but they are not thinking much for the woman’s future and happiness. Can you imagine giving up your current life to sustain another life that you are not ready for? According to Harriet Pilpel a journalist from The Atlantic Magazines, in their work titled “The Right of Abortion”,“Seven states — […] — have amended their laws to permit abortion not only to save life but also to protect the health, mental and physical, of the mother, in cases of rape and incest, and to avert the birth of defective offspring” (1). In other words, some states have already passed laws to legalize abortion, to protect the women’s rights. This information is significant because some states have already taken action to protect women’s rights. Other states should do that too. Women have the rights to be protected from the horrible things men have done to them. Additionally, according to Pew Research Center, an American think tank that provides information on social issues, public opinion, and demographic trends shaping the United States and the world, in their work titled “Public Opinion on Abortion”, “Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 38% say it should be illegal in all or most cases” (1). This information is significant because it shows how more than half of the people in the United States who voted for this poll believe that abortion should be legal. Overall, this data shows how abortion should be legalized in the United States because abortion is a right that women have and is not something that a few men can take away just because they think it’s morally wrong.

Furthermore, legalizing abortion can help the population crisis. To give some context on this issue, the world is currently overpopulated and is continuing to grow at a fast rate. According to Mumford SD and Kessel E, in their work titled “Role of Abortion in Control of Global Population Growth”, “This observational study, based on the experience of 116 of the world’s largest countries, supports the contention that abortion is essential to any national population growth control effort” (1). This means that many of the world’s largest countries are using abortion to help control their population growth. This information is significant because the United States could surely be one of those countries in that list if it legalizes abortion. Additionally, according to Harriet Pilpel, a journalist from The Atlantic Magazines, in their work titled “The Right of Abortion”, from The Atlantic Magazines, “When Japan liberalized its abortion laws some years back, it halved its rate of population growth in a decade”(1). This information is significant because it shows how effective abortion can be when it comes to limiting the population growth rate. Overall, this data shows how abortion should be legalized in the United States to help with the current population crisis the world is in.

Imagine America with women who are happy and without mothers who don’t want to be mothers! Abortion is easy, fast, and effective when it comes to helping a country’s population rate decrease.

Some might argue, abortion is considered the murder of a human being and therefore should be illegal. However, it also true that abortion at early stages of pregnancies will not count as murder, since the baby is still only a body of cells. According to Ricki Lewis, in their work “When Does a Human Life begin”, “The ability to survive outside the body of another sets a practical, technological limit on defining when a sustainable human life begins” (1). Therefore, abortion does not count as murder since the baby who is not born yet does not count as a human and therefore can make abortion legal. The so-called life in a women’s is merely just a body of cells; it is not yet a human until it is born and able to breath on its own.

Therefore, I implore you to put effort into legalizing abortion in the United States. This will make a difference because it can empower women around the United States and help with the current population crisis in the world. Women across the United States should be able to do what they want with their bodies and not end their current lifestyle with the intrusion of a baby. After all, children are known to be your anchors in life. Abortion can also solve many world problems existing today like the population crisis. Many countries around the world is using abortion as their solution to their country’s population crisis.

Thank you,


