An Open Letter to the Congress of America

Nathan S
Voices From The Classroom
3 min readJan 10, 2018

To America’s Congress,

My name is Nathan S., a student at Summit Public Schools Shasta, a growing charter school. In my English class, we have been completing a project about war and its many effects on the country and on its people. In this project, we are learning about the consequences of war by reading fictional and nonfictional stories about war. Our project asked us to consider the essential question, why we should or shouldn’t go to wars, along with many effects or causes that going to war or not can bring. North Korea has been growing at an extremely rapid rate, already developing missiles that can be harmful to the future of U.S. One of the reasons why is because of their dictator, Kim Jong Un. When Kim and his ancestors went to power, the whole family brought a great deal of unfair laws with them such as being unable to travel to other countries without the government’s permission, are not allowed to believe in other religions, have no or little public health unless they can afford it, and worse of all, cannot criticise the government. Criticising the government in North Korea will put you in a political prison camp, along with 3 of the citizen’s future generations. As the major superpower in the world, we should go to war and support those in need, do our best to prevent the death of innocent people, and bringing in money to support our own citizens at the same time.

The first major reason why we should go to war is because it can benefit the country by bringing in money and full employment to the U.S., strengthening our economy. Based on the article “Why America Needs War”, it stated that war brought full employment and much higher wages than ever before. Participating in war can help with the homeless problem in America and allow America to potentially enter another technological revolution, using our mass amount of money to accelerate technology advancement. Additionally, money we get after war can also feed the poor, send more kids to school, help with veterans’ needs, borrow less money from other countries, etc.

While some might say that war causes bloodshed and causes the death of innocent lives many are already dying inside the country of Syria and North Korea, for example. However, it is important to consider that going to war against North Korea and defeating them can save many innocent children and citizens from their unfair political prison camps. Based on the website, “Business Insider”, it stated, “200,000 people are currently imprisoned in these camps, while some 400,000 people have died in them,” borrowing its numbers from the Amnesty International report and the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea. We should strive to save future citizens from entering these camps. Winning in war against North Korea and killing North Korea’s oppressive ruler, Kim, can free their civilians and lead to another potential ally and one less ally for opposing forces.

Thus, I strongly encourage you to consider all the choices you have, such as discussing disputes peacefully or even considering going to war against hostile countries. Thank you for reading this and I hope you consider this argument as one of the possible choices for the future of America.

Yours respectively,

Nathan Shum

