An Open Letter to the NAR

Rhu Sh
Voices From The Classroom
3 min readDec 31, 2019

Dear National Rifle Association,

In my English class, we have been completing a project about gun violence. Throughout this project, I have realized that gun violence is a significant problem in the U.S.. I wanted to write to you, specifically, because you can make laws to control gun violence. Based on my research I argue that the government should be stricter about who they give guns to and that there are many lives lost from gun violence.

To start, the government should do more to control gun violence. To give some context on this issue, guns can only be used by someone who has a permit or licence which is given to them by the government. According to New York Times, in their work titled “What Should Lawmakers Do About Guns and Gun Violence?”, “There are more than 393 million guns in circulation in the United States — approximately 120.5 guns for every 100 people.” In other words, too many untrustworthy people have guns and the test to handle a firearm should limit more people from getting guns. This information is significant because the government can prevent violent shootings. Additionally, according to the research institute of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia , in their work titled “Gun Violence: Facts and Statistics” In states with increased gun availability, death rates from gunshots for children were higher than in states with less availability.This information is significant because innocent young children are getting hurt because guns are being given to irresponsible and untrustworthy people. Overall this data shows that if the government controlled gun violence then less people would get hurt.

Furthermore, Gun Violence is responsible for many casualties around the U.S.. To give some context on this issues, many people die from firearms around the world. According to CBS News, in their work titled “What is the federal government doing on gun safety legislation?” “In 2019 alone, there have been over 33,000 incidents of violent acts committed with guns” This means that there have been over 33,000 crimes involving guns in less than a year. This information is significant because the 33,000 is not just from the U.S. but around the globe. Additionally, according to CBS News, in their work titled “What is the federal government doing on gun safety legislation?” “Gun violence is a daily tragedy affecting the lives of individuals around the world. More than 500 people die every day because of violence committed with firearms. An estimated 2,000 people are injured by gunshots every single day. At least 2 million people are living with firearm injuries around the globe.” This information is significant because more than 500 innocent lives are lost every single day due do gun violence. How much longer will it take for guns to be banned from untrustworthy people? How many more lives have to be lost until we take initiative? How much longer until you are one of the 500? Overall this data shows that gun violence cause many lives around the globe to be lost everyday.

Some might argue that firearms should be kept as protection. According to, in their work titled “Guns in the Home”, “The risk of dying is 4 to 10 times higher in homes with guns. What the author means here is that if you have a gun at home the risk of dying could be increased. However it is also true that guns can risk the life of anyone at your home, especially if you have a child. According to, in their work titled “Guns in the Home” In 2017, at least 285 children got ahold of a gun and inadvertently shot themselves or someone else. What the author means here is with a firearm in the house you put many people in the risk of being a victim of gun violence whether you know it or not. Therefore, gun violence is bad and many people get hurt from irresponsible gun owners.

Therefore, I implore you to control gun violence better by making better laws and adding more questions to the license test to use a firearm. This will make a difference because there will be less crimes if less people hold firearms and there will be more laws to keep accidents from happening.

Thank you,

Ryan Hu

