How To Ski and How to Improve

Daniel Liston
Voices From The Classroom
8 min readMay 14, 2019


Have you ever wanted to learn how to ski. Well if you have, then your in the right place. This week, I made progress on my project by getting all my sources and notes together, do I can get started on my stuff. The most striking lesson I learned is that when you are doing moguls, start with small ones first then work your way up. First of all, you need to start on the flatter part of the bunny slopes with and instructor or an experienced skier you know because if you start off by yourself, you will try to ski like a pro and you will end end hurting/injuring yourself badly. I learned this when I started skiing because, even though I was rollerblading a lot to get myself prepared to take lessons, I tried to faster than I could handle, and when I went to stop, I got pitched forward and I bit my lip and got a bloody nose. I am glad that I made that mistake. This helped me to learn that you need to get an experienced skier you know or an instructor to teach you because you could hurt/injure yourself pretty bad. Second of all, you need to only snowplow to turn and stop when you first start because if you try to stop sideways like the pros, you will get pitched and face plant in the snow. And believe me, that is not pleasant at all. Or you could watch this video to help you if you are a visual learner. I learned this when I started because I tried to stop sideways like the pros and I got pitched forward and face planted. At that Moment, I realized that I need to start out snowplowing to stop and turn. This lesson helped me be more successful because now I can stop and turn like an advanced skier at 16. Overall, I feel relieved I learned how to learn these things before I got better because I am now a pretty good skier. I feel very good about my project and I am looking forward to giving you these tips on hoe to ski and on how to improve your skills

Go from This
To This

How to look cool “appearance wise” on the Slopes

Look like this

Remember, if you want to look fancy and cool at the same time, you are going to have to be willing to spend pretty much a fortune. The coolest ski brands in clothing,skis,boots,helmets,gloves,goggles, and base layers in my opinion are: Volkl, Rossignol,Salomon, Helly Hasnen, Dynastar, K2. On these sites, you can order skis, boots, helmets, gloves, goggles, base layers, jackets, face masks, pants, socks, etc.

Websites to the places

Click this link →

Click this link →

Click this link →

Click this link →

Click this link →

Click this link →

How to know when, when not, and where to ski


This will be a section to help to know when,when not, where and where not to ski.

If you want to know when and when not to ski in Germany use this link.

If you want to know when and when not to ski in Sweden use this link.

If you want to know when and when not to ski in the United states use this link.

If you are a person that doesn’t like to ski when all the kids and families go. The links provided above will be helpful. But if you are a kid or parent (part of a family), these sites may or may not be helpful. The most obvious three days not to go are Christmas, most of February, and Easter. Hopefully those links will be helpful to your ski vacation needs. Especially if you are a year-round skier.

Fundamentals to Get you Started on Jumping

This video breaks it down step by step

Today we will be talking about the fundamentals of jumping on skis. So before we start,(Click this link →) this video breaks it down step by step if your a visual learner like myself. But if you can learn by reading, then here are some steps.

Step 1: Do some warm up stuff to stretch out your legs. Go to 1:09 to get details

Step 2: See if you could jump. Go to 1:17 to get details

Step 3: Make sure your pop and and position is 100% correct. Go to 2:35 to get details

Piece of advice (make sure your skis are completely straight and you are not landing tail heavy because you sit down to low before your pop)

Step 4: Try Timing your pop (what you could do is get a bunch of ski poles and place them at the same amount of reasonable distance and try to time the jump). Go to 3:40 to get details

Step 5: Start to go on BEGINNER park jumps. Go to 6:19 to get details

Step 6: Gradually start to work your way up to bigger jumps. Go to 7:07 to get details

Step 7: Start to hit pretty big jumps (might be scary at first). Go to 8:34 to get details

Step 8: (Disclaimer: this is optional and is a trick) How to mute grab on skis. Go to 10:04 to get details

How to box slide/grind on skis

Learn to do this
And This

Click this link →Use this link to get more details

Here I will be telling you how to slide boxes and grind on skis.

Step 1: Learn the basics of spinning. Go to 1:00 to get details

Step 2: Learn how to 180 on skis (make half of a 360 spin). Go to 1:52 to get details

Step 3: Learn the position of going on a box (start on wide box as shown in the image above). Go to 3:30 to get details

Step 4: Learn to switch to a horizontal position on a box. Go to 5:00 to get details

Step 5: Correct your rotation if you rotate too early (can end in an injury). Go to 6:15 to get details

Step 6: Start to go to steeper and more slanted boxes. Go to 8:13 to get details

Step 7: Learn to box slide a steeper box. Go to 9:15 to get details

Step 8: Learn to jump onto the box from the side. Go to 11:28 to get details

Step 9: Imagine the box is higher. Go to 12:20 to get details

Step 10: Learn to slide a high, steep box. Go to 13:30 to get details

How to Overcome Fear

Go from this
To This

Click this link →I know this is a video of the guy overcoming his own fear but this will still help you (the steps will) (watch from 0:17–1:23 to see why he is doing this video)

Step 1: Reframe fear (very useful). Go to 1:47 for details (Focus on the step)

Step 2: Specify what you fear. Go to 2:16 for details (Focus on the step)

Step 3: Practice on the same thing over and again. Go to 3:44 for details (Focus on the step)

Step 4: Visualize how its done. Go to 7:45 for details (Focus on the step)

Step 5: Face your fear when your ready. Go to 11:06 for details (Focus on the step)

Step 6: Keep Going. Go to 12:59 for details (Focus on the step)

Step 7: Take a step back or up on that horse again. Go to 14:39 for details (Focus on the step)

Final Blog Post

Have you ever wanted to learn to ski. Well if you have, you’re in the right place. What I did for this project was tips on skiing and other things to improve your skills. Something that I have learned is that it takes a lot of time to learn to do advanced things to ski like a pro and there is a parallel between life and skiing. Mentally and physically aware of your surroundings and Self control. Mentally and physically aware of your surroundings because as you need to be aware of your surroundings in life like in driving, you need to be aware of your surroundings in skiing. This is because in driving, you need to be aware so you don’t crash and get in/cause an accident; that rule also applies in skiing, you need to make sure you are aware so you don’t fall off the mountain or crash into people. This supports what I had said before by saying that being aware helps you with everything in life. Self control because as you need self control in regular life, you need it in skiing. This is because in life you need to have self control so you don’t get into trouble; this also applies in skiing because you need to know where you are going and have you have to control your speed on the slopes so you don’t crash and get an injury. This helps my previous statement by saying in order to not get into trouble and/or hurt in life, you need to have self control.

One Last Thing to take note of

Don’t be these skiing stereotypes

  1. Snow sprayer
  2. Chairlift struggler
  3. Crowded commute (When travelling with a group)
  4. Argument starter with a snowboarder (unless the person is rude)
  5. The newbie
  6. The map memorizer that tells the person they are skiing with where to go like that person also memorized the map
  7. The annoying speed demon
  8. Chairlift cackler
  9. The experience liar
  10. The yard sale
  11. Mr./Mrs. Injury Prone
  12. The rage monster
  13. The park rat
  14. Mr/Mrs. Excuses
  15. Mr./Mrs. Do it for the gram
  16. Slope sitter The lodge dweller
  17. The obnoxious chatty lift rider

Click this link→Skiing Stereotypes (not all were listed above)

This is a link to the a YouTube channel named Stomp it Tutorials which is the channel for all the tutorial videos. And this search is for videos where he broke down the steps of the tricks you can do on skis from beginner to advanced.

Click this link →Stomp it Tutorials

Click this link for 4 techniques on crashing→How to crash. Watch whole video

Click this link →How to buy ski boots

Click this link for details on ski camps and more→

Click these links for regular and free ride ski HACKS→1.10 hacks for skiers 2. 10 hacks for free ride skiers

Click this link →Here is a slideshow on this topic too

