Open Letter to Donald Trump

Daniel Liston
Voices From The Classroom
3 min readJan 11, 2018

Dear Donald Trump,

My name is Daniel Liston and I am a student at Summit Shasta. In my English class, we have been completing a project about wars in other countries and I think that getting involved in conflicts that do not threaten our country are dangerous because we have done that before and we have had too many casualties. In this project, I have been learning about getting involved in conflicts that do not endanger our country by reading stories and articles about wars. Our project asked us to consider the essential question, “Should We Intervene in International Conflicts”. Through this project, I realized that we should only intervene when the conflict endangers our country. The problem in the world that prompted me to write this letter is North Korea threatening to hit our country with a bomb. I wanted to write to you, specifically, because you are the one who makes the final decision on an action of what to do in an international conflict.

Based on my research, I believe we should not use nuclear weapons because it could hit people outside that country if the radiation is powerful enough. According to NukeMap website, it states, “ the dropping of the B-83, the largest bomb in the current US arsenal, would kill 1.4m people in the first 24 hours. A further 3.7m people would be injured, as the thermal radiation radius reached” The quote just read was from “How many nukes are in the world and what could they destroy?” This is important because if we nuke other countries, it could kill people outside the border of that country being bombed. In my reading, I also learned that bombing other countries can harm others that do not even support the war going on let alone any war.

While some might say we should nuke people because the conflict might endanger our country, however, it is important to consider that the bomb could explode before it hits the target area. For all these reasons, I would like to offer a solution: do not bother with conflicts in other countries at all.

Therefore, I implore you to not use nuclear weapons at all. Do not bother with it because if you do, you are making yourself more vulnerable to them being able to bother you. This will make a difference because you won’t have to worry about anything. And we will also have more money to help the people in need in the U.S. because we are not spending it all on nuclear weapons Thank you for reading this open letter and I hope that you will take my idea to heart.


Daniel Liston

