Massimo Sibillo
Voices From The Classroom
3 min readJun 1, 2019


Passion Project

Photo by Fauzan Saari on Splash

My Passion Project

In sports, there are many things that it gives back to the community. It gives back entertainment, donations to people in need, and life changing experiences. And for my project in English class, I will be doing a presentation of something i’m really passionate about, which is soccer and why i like it. Soccer is something that some may not find entertaining, but others use it to express other things emotionally and physically. As with all things though there are reasons. So, I will be giving a presentation of “ What do sports mean to you?” to personally help me understand more about myself. Hopefully, people can take away a sense of pride of how important it is to talk and communicate your personal lives to other people because hearing about other peoples’ personal perspectives, can help you understand more about your own.

New blog post: Kyle Dispo

Today, when I interviewed Kyle Dispo on “What do sports mean to you?” it was really cool. I got to understand a friend better on a passion in their life and it helped me somewhat understand mine. When I asked Kyle, “What is your motivation to play” He responded saying that his motivation was to play good and win which I could relate to because I am a very competitive person. This helped me understand more about myself because it is one of the many reasons why I like sports.

New blog post: Nicolas Rusali

Today, when I interviewed Nicolas Rusali on “What do sports mean to you?” it was very somber. I got to listen to a friend on what their drive was in playing sports which was judo. When I asked him what problems he faced, he responded with a story on which his judo instructor sadly got sick and couldn’t teach them anymore. It helped me better understand why I love sports because when there are downs in sports, I realised why i had to keep playing and why I started playing sports in the first place and that was because my dad got me into it.

New blog post: Nicolas Pasion (great name for this project )

Today, When I interviewed Nicolas Pasion on “What do sports mean to you?” it was very informative in helping me understand why I enjoy playing sports and also the risks of playing sports. When I asked him what has sports taught you, he listed many skills like better communication and also being more healthy. It helped me better understand why I love sports because there are specific traits you can earn while playing sports.

In conclusion,

When coming to the end of this project, I realised many new things about myself and my love for sports. Some things I learned about myself and why I liked sports was better communication skills, the risk of playing sports, me being competitive, and also releasing why i kept playing sports at my worst. But, I also found a deeper, DEEPER meaning. I realised how important it is to talk to others about your personal lives because it can truly help you find not only a friend, but hearing other peoples personal perspectives can truly help you understand your own.

