Chloe Leung
Voices From The Classroom
1 min readMay 2, 2019


Yerba Buena Gardens

Hello! I’m Chloe, a teen living in the Bay Area. Ever wanted to have the chance to learn and explore the culture of San Francisco? My partner and I’s passion project consists of creating a blog to document our experiences of exploring different places in SF and asking others about their views on our city. This allows us to explore San Francisco and interact with its people while learning more about the culture of our community. Not only this, but we will also have different perspectives of our city. This project will help the community by informing our audience on our blog about the culture of SF. Not only this, but the project also helps us step out of our comfort zone and talk to unfamiliar people. To do this, we have to plan days to meet up, decide on interview questions, find others that are willing to answer our questions, and enter blog entries. We will be creating a timeline and an organized plan to ensure that we complete all our deadlines on time.

