Dylan Hadden
Voices From The Classroom
2 min readJun 1, 2019


San Francisco is a city of many beauties, as well as many issues. But amongst those issues, one stands out the most: homelessness. A primary issue in our beloved city is the overflow of pollution that is constantly increasing, which is partially caused by the homeless population. To answer this, community service, such as packing food or cleaning public areas, must be done. By doing this, it can encourage more of the community to take action on this epidemic as well. The more people that contribute, the more we will be able to take care of our beloved city. Not only will it make San Francisco cleaner, but it will also help the homeless population. To execute this plan, a few classmates and I will contribute hours to community service at multiple service centers.

Presentation script:

Homelessness has a large population in our world, especially our beloved city of San Francisco, and the bay area. Most of the time, we see the homeless as more of a danger, or people who made the wrong decisions their whole lives. But that may not be completely their fault, it may be because they couldn’t keep up with the economy. as the economy continues to evolve, homeless population grows.

Our passion project was to find a way to give back to the community by contributing personal hours at St.Anthony’s Dining Hall, where we served food to the homeless for breakfast and lunch. This experience gave us a new outlook and helped us see their situations from their perspectives. We saw that being in this position wasn’t just their fault, and they are normal humans just like us. Everyone is an equal individual. We gained more respect for them, and understood them more as people.

