That’s a Wrap

Patrick Narciso
Voices From The Classroom
3 min readMay 17, 2019

Hello everyone, my name is Patrick

Stress is a word that we hear on a daily basis. Have you ever been stressed before? Well the truth is that everybody had experienced it, especially in school. I’ve noticed that most people like gum. People would always want a piece because they might have bad breath, want a sharper jawline or it is just satisfying to chew, but people do not know that they are able to write stuff on the wrapper such as quotes or messages. My passion project focuses on the idea of reducing stress and trying to make people smile or happy. How will I do that, you may ask? Well once I get people to talk to, I give them a note saying a compliment or a message that will make them smile. When my project is in action it will spread positivity to the people in the community.


  1. Introduce ourselves with an optimistic attitude
  2. Tell them that this is for a project
  3. Give them gum
  4. Once they start to chew the gum, we will ask them to give us the wrapper and switch it with the messaged one
  5. Write down what their reaction was
  6. Take a picture of them while holding the message

Week 1 : During the first week the project, I was assigned by my teacher to propose my idea to the class and they get to judge if this project idea was good or bad. I had two days to prepare a visual aid,write a project plan,and a project pitch for my idea. It was March 27, the day of the presentation. I felt nervous and one thing I learned is that I should have practiced more. A few days later it was March 30, I opened my platform ( the schools work website) and received a notification saying,” you gotten new feedback.” I checked my results which my teacher inserted in the document. Throughout all the responses, I received positive feedback. I got a color green, which meant I am on the right track. My objectives for that week is a script for my presentation on Wednesday March 27th. I completed all those objectives effectively and successfully.

Week 2: The second week, I had only one class to work on my project. I started writing this article and inserted my project pitch. Then left the project alone because I had a study trip and learned a lot about colleges. Even though, I only had one class time for that week because of the study trip, but I felt I have gotten a lot of progress in my article.

Week 3: The third week was simple, since all I had planned for my project is to get materials from the mall. It was around 5:00 pm, and I came home with a board, gum, colored paper, and markers. My second objective was to write compliments in the piece of paper for the people I wanted to give the note to. I wrote six personalized notes to 3 people from my school Shasta and my youth group friends in my old school. I also revised the pitch in my project because it will help make the blog successful and my mindset was, to always revise the pitch to keep it interesting and to have a ideal plan for success

Week 4: The fourth week I have rewritten all the personalized notes for duplicates and have talked to all the people from Shasta and OLPH. I wanted to rewrite the entire notes with because they kept the original one. I started to have a vision on how to make the board simple, but also informative. I was happy because I get to print all the pictures that have taken of the people I have given the note. So at the end of the week, I started to work on my presentation board and planned my own TED talk script. That was the hardest thing from the project so far, since it will be used in my final presentation date of May 29.

Week 5: The fifth week of the project and i edited what I was going to say on my own TED talk it was almost done. I also needed to make a visual aid for this presentation.

Week 6: This was the final week and all final products must be submitted.

