Voices of America: Artist Statement
I am an investigative artist, born in the USA and currently living in Berlin, Germany. I’ve lived in Europe for over 7 years.
From afar, I watched celebrity Donald Trump rise from unlikely outlier to popular candidate in the presidential primary race.
My Facebook newsfeed was punctuated daily by statuses asking, “Who are Trump’s supporters? I don’t know any!” There is a lack of political discourse in the States; I want to do something to change that.
To open space for conversation.
No single candidate will bring a solution to the problems facing this country.
We need to learn to speak and listen to one another if we are ever to find a way forward. We have to see the humanity in one another. To open dialogue instead of hurl insults across dividing lines.
That’s the goal of this series: to initiate genuine conversation and create space to listen and engage with one another.