Embarking on a Sustainability Journey: Crafting a Curriculum for Startup Founders at cohub

Charlez Kurian John
voices of build3
3 min readNov 13, 2023


I couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement as our team meeting unfolded during the 1st week of October 2023. Among other discussions, this meeting had taken an electrifying turn as we delved into the heart of our mission at build3. The Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) that had been driving us forward was clear: empower 100,000 founders to build impactful startups that benefit not just profits but also the mind, body, and our precious Earth.

Our BHAG was not just about numbers; it was about creating a wave of conscious entrepreneurship that rippled through the startup ecosystem. The answer lay in our commitment to sustainability and impact, our unwavering belief that entrepreneurship could be a force for good. It was in this spirit that we embarked on a journey that had me brimming with excitement: the creation of a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) curriculum tailored for the startup founders who registered for build3’s Cohub program.

The concept was straightforward yet profound. We wanted our founders, both those who were already a part of our community and those who were just beginning their journey with us, to embrace the principles of sustainability and social responsibility. We weren’t just talking the talk; we were determined to walk the talk.

We aimed to create a cohort of entrepreneurs who understood that their startups could be a powerful vehicle for positive change. And as they moved through our Cohub program, we hoped they would emerge not just as successful business leaders but as champions of sustainability, equity, and impact.

In this endeavour, our commitment to our BHAG was crystal clear. By offering this SDG/ESG curriculum, we were taking a tangible step towards our vision of serving as the go-to community for founders dedicated to creating positive outcomes. We wanted our Cohub to be more than a workspace; it should be a catalyst for transformation.

build3’s commitment to sustainability and social impact has always been undeniable. But what thrilled me most about this endeavour was the chance to work closely with Alakshi and Varun, two of the most passionate individuals in the sustainability sector I know. The trio of us were united in our mission: to empower, educate, and ignite a spark of change in the next wave of entrepreneurs. Their dedication, expertise, and unwavering belief in the cause will be the backbone of this project. In our brainstorming sessions, it wasn’t just about throwing ideas on a whiteboard; it was about shaping the future of startups, ensuring they’re grounded in values that matter.

The deeper we delved into the curriculum, the clearer our vision became. We didn’t just want to provide information; we aimed to instil a mindset, cultivate a culture, and ignite a passion for sustainable and ethical growth in every budding entrepreneur.

Our objectives for the introductory curriculum were clear:

  • It had to be an in-person session, bringing the Cohub participants into the heart of the SDG and ESG sector.
  • For those participants who felt lost about their impact journey, this would be their guiding light.
  • This 1-hour session aimed to not just introduce but immerse participants in the world of SDG and ESG.
  • Ensuring a clear understanding of the ESG/SDG principles was paramount.
  • We envisioned it as a springboard, from where startup founders could leap, developing metrics to measure and track their impact.

But this isn’t just about imparting knowledge. During our internal discussions, another groundbreaking idea emerged. Why limit this curriculum to the confines of just the Cohub residents? Our vision had the potential to revolutionise startup ecosystems globally. This led to the birth of an ambitious plan: the development of an advanced curriculum available to the public through a subscription model. Not only would this spread our message farther and wider, but it also opened up an exciting new revenue line for build3. It’s a win-win, and the possibilities are endless!

The excitement within our team is palpable. Each day brings new challenges, insights, and breakthroughs. There’s a collective sense of purpose, knowing we’re on the cusp of something transformative. With every module we draft and every case study we dissect, we’re one step closer to shaping a future where startups don’t just thrive but also uplift, inspire, and lead the way in building a sustainable world.

Here’s to the journey ahead, to the impact we’re destined to make, and to the countless startups we’ll guide along the path of sustainability and ethical growth. The future beckons, and I couldn’t be more excited!

