Revolutionising Efficiency: Our Journey to an Automated NPS Dashboard

Charlez Kurian John
voices of build3
2 min readNov 13, 2023


As the month rolled to a close, I found myself reflecting on the transformative journey our organisation has embarked on, particularly concerning our Net Promoter Score (NPS) tracking system. In the past, our process was labor-intensive and prone to errors, with team members manually copying and pasting NPS scores from Typeform into our internal dashboard. The tedium of this task was not only time-consuming but also detracted from our ability to analyse and respond to customer feedback effectively.

Recognizing the need for change, we set out to overhaul our NPS dashboard. Our goal was ambitious but clear: to create a comprehensive, automated system that could aggregate departmental NPS scores in real-time, without the manual overhead. And I’m thrilled to report that we’ve achieved just that.

The pursuit of customer satisfaction is a never-ending quest, and measuring customer loyalty through NPS has always been a significant part of that journey. However, the process of collecting these scores used to be a tedious task, involving a lot of manual effort that was prone to errors. Each department had to manually copy and paste their NPS scores from Typeform into our internal dashboard, consuming valuable time that could be better spent on analysing the data rather than compiling it.

Realising the inefficiency of this process, we sought a more streamlined approach. That’s when my colleague, Prashant, stepped in with a game-changing solution. He developed an automation system that now pulls all departmental NPS scores directly into our internal dashboard from Typeform. This automation has not only saved an immense amount of time but has also reduced human error to a significant extent.

Now, with a system-driven process, our team members no longer have to endure the mundane task of data entry. This leaves them free to focus on what truly matters — driving the organisation forward by engaging with the feedback from our customers, especially the passives and detractors. Thanks to this automation, conversations have become more meaningful and action-oriented. We can now quickly identify areas needing improvement and celebrate the ones that are excelling, fostering a culture of continuous enhancement.

Moreover, the immediate availability of up-to-date scores has enhanced our ability to respond to customer feedback in real-time. This increased responsiveness has not only helped in elevating customer satisfaction levels but has also instilled a deeper sense of accountability within each department.

In essence, the introduction of our automated NPS dashboard has not just been about technological advancement but also about empowering our team to work smarter. It has bolstered our commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and has played a pivotal role in shaping a more customer-centric organisation.

As we move forward, I’m excited to see how this evolution in our NPS tracking will continue to shape our strategies and customer relationships. Our team members are now better equipped, our processes more streamlined, and our focus sharper than ever on delivering exceptional customer experiences. It’s a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration, and a reminder that sometimes, the most impactful changes stem from the simplification of our everyday tasks.

