A Day In The Life of: Kinsley Lesperance

Voices of the Future of Tech
3 min readSep 22, 2017

This summer our Fellows took over the Code2040 Instagram to show us what A Day in the Life of a Fellow looks like for them. Check out our recap of the day below! Want to be a 2018 Fellow? Apply today: bit.ly/fellows2040

1.What do you look forward to about going to work at Intuit everyday?

Every morning, I’m always excited to come to work because I get the opportunity to not only work on something meaningful, but to work towards a mission that I am really passionate about. Originally being from Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere, I really believe in Intuit’s new mission “Powering Prosperity Around the World”. As a “Mintern”, I get to work on a product that allows its users to take control over their financial life. I also know that everyday I will get to learn something new from my amazing co-workers.

2. You posted about grabbing coffee with other Fellows in the office. How has working with other Fellows impacted your internship experience?

Technically we are not working on the same team but we are working on the same product. Knowing that they’re just a few steps aways from where I sit helps keep my morale high. It’s like having our own little Mintern/Fellow squad!

3. How has your experience been being a part of the Mintern community?

Being a Mintern for a second year in a row, I have learned so much from the other Minterns. I have the opportunity to meet and learn from the same people I’ve built really incredible relationships with. We’ve supported each other throughout the summer. As a returning Mintern and the lead developer this year, I’ve been able to offer advice and help the other Minterns navigate their summer.

Outside, we have a lot of fun as well. From hot tub parties to KBBQ, I felt like we became a family. Also a couple of us never watched Games of Thrones so throughout the summer we started watching 3 episodes a week. One more thing… Nerf war in the office.

Fun Fact: Snapchat’s Co Founder / CEO interned at Intuit and Scott Cook (Intuit’s Founder) was one of his first investor.

4. What’s something that you didn’t get to capture in your Instagram Takeover but is really unique to Intuit and means a lot to you?

From the summer car, corporate housing, biking near Shoreline lake to just working with some of the most caring coworkers, there’s a lot that Intuit has to offer that I was not able to capture. One of my favorite places to hangout is the terrace on the 4th floor. The view is absolutely breathtaking and peaceful.

5. What’s something you’re taking with you from this summer?

The fellowship impacted my life in more than one way. Code2040 created a space where I was able to be my whole self and grow professionally and personally. I was able to be part of a community that was supportive and where we were able to be each other’s peer mentors. Going through the fellowship helped me build my confidence and believe in myself. One of my biggest goals this summer was to work on my leadership skills and combat my fear of public. As a senior fellow, I was able work on both of those goals and Code2040 even allowed me to lead the last workshop.



Voices of the Future of Tech

Activating, connecting, and mobilizing the largest racial equity community in tech.