5 Progressive New Year's Resolutions

Voices of the Revolution
4 min readJan 1, 2017

General consensus has it that 2016 wasn’t a very good year, especially for politics. And it’s true, there were some major disappointments and setbacks. But it wasn’t all bad, and we want to remember the good too.

So here at Voices, we’ve decided to do a little end-of-year introspection and we’ve come up with 3 lists:

  • Our first list is our 5 New Year’s Resolutions. These are concrete, actionable steps that regular people can take to advance the progressive cause in 2017.
  • Our second list is our 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful in 2017. These are some of the good things that happened last year, as well as some of the things we can look forward to in 2017, even with our new President. Look for this list on January 2.
  • And our third and best titled list: 5 New Year’s Revolutions. These are specific progressive causes on our radar for 2017 and ways you can support them. We will be posting this on January 3.

To start 2017 on the right — or rather left — foot, commit yourself to completing these 5 Progressive New Year’s Resolutions.

And remember, no matter what happens in 2017, we’ll be here in solidarity with you.

5. Write the Democratic National Committee in support of Keith Ellison. Ellison is the only progressive candidate on the shortlist for DNC Chair. This position is extremely important because the DNC Chair determines the Democratic Party’s platform and fundraising strategy for the 2018 midterm elections. We suggest that you write the DNC and request that Ellison be made Chairman. Ellison’s website asks that you include these ideas in your letter:

  • This election cycle, we did not motivate enough people to the ballot box. We must champion the challenges of working families and give voters a reason to show up at the polls in 2018 and beyond. We must build a bench not just for federal candidates, but for state and local candidates across the nation.
  • We also need a robust party organization in every state that prioritizes voter relationships over everything else. We must invest in and empower our state and local parties by creating effective field operations, an enhanced and advanced voter file, and a culture of collaboration between candidates at every level. Let’s put the voters first.

4. Hold your representatives accountable. Getting to know your state and local representatives is the first step in holding them accountable. Here’s how you can get to know them and ways to hold them accountable. First, find your state and local representatives. Second, follow them on Facebook and Twitter. Third, sign up for their email lists. (You’ll notice the link that let’s you find them also lets you follow them and add your name to their email lists.) Fourth, hold them accountable.

3. Contribute to the progressive cause. Not everyone has the time to volunteer their time, but if you have the means, please considering contributing to the progressive cause. There are a number of organizations out there that are more than worth your support — Our Revolution, MoveOn.org, Inequality Media — but we can’t help but recommend The Political Revolution. No matter whom you decide to support, know that if your contribution goes to one of these fine organizations, it will be well spent.

2. Support independent media. The corporate media is owned by the rich to make money for the rich. As a result, the media can never tell the real story, only the profitable one. Consider, for example, that income from fossil fuel ads means they can’t talk about climate change without losing revenue. Or that their profits went up whenever Donald Trump was on the screen. Or that their lobbying groups oppose campaign finance reform because then they would lose political advertisement money. It’s time for us to move beyond corporate media and support independent media. Independent media sources are watchdogs of our democracy. Because they are supported by their viewers and not their commercial interests, they can address the issues that actually impact our lives. In 2017, we recommend you bookmark and read these independent media sources: The Intercept, Democracy Now!, The Young Turks, The Nation, Jacobin, Thomas Hartmann, David Pakman.

1. Join The Political Revolution. Do you want to make a difference and do something big? The Political Revolution works to transform America through progressive politics. They are an all-volunteer, grassroots organization of progressive activists that have come together to continue the goals of Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign. Subscribe to their newsletter or sign up to volunteer with them.



Voices of the Revolution

Publishes to ‘Voices of the Revolution’ — a hub for progressive writers around the world.