6 things that pulled me out of a funk…

Brook Maturo
Voices of the Underground
3 min readJul 29, 2016

I knew I was falling into a funk when a few things happened — it became an act of will to get up in the morning, I was lacking compassion and I felt like I was operating out of obligation rather than calling or love. My relationship with God felt dry and I was easily tired, angered and upset. I was feeling on the verge of burnout and nearly ready to quit, whatever that looks like.

Fortunately, my family recently had time to get away for a few weeks and it was a gift to me personally as well as for all of us. While I can’t say a few weeks away fixed everything, it was a time of renewal and I came back ready to continue to pour out my life in pursuit of Jesus and His purposes.

Some time in a different location

We’ve answered the call to incarnational ministry — that means living with others, working for a ministry, making financial sacrifices, looking for the lost and needy around us. There’s always a sense that the work is never done and the weight of responsibility is heavy. It was refreshing to step away from that, know that God is taking care of the people and places I love and feel “off the hook” for a brief time. It also helped me miss the gifts of my current context a little — namely the community and people I often take for granted.

Less time on social media

I’ve realized how vulnerable I am both to jealousy (thinking everyone else’s life is easier, more interesting, etc than mine) and becoming overwhelmed with constant news on the brokenness of the world. So I cut back a lot on the amount of time I spent scrolling my feeds and checking the news. It cleared my head of clutter and gave me more focus.

More time in nature

Something about forests, mountains, the ocean, creation that calms me and puts life’s worries in perspective with God’s majesty.

Mountains and towering trees given me perspective.

Getting back to basics

Being someone who works in full-time ministry and having been a disciple of Jesus for over 25 years, I tend to settle in to faith practices. I was feeling like God’s words seemed dry, worship times felt like obligations and things of faith felt complicated. While away, God reminded me of some critical basics of following Him — He is Lord of my life, He will take care of me, He is bigger than all my fears and hopes, He is bigger than the pain and ugliness of the world. I’ve learned these things before, but revisiting these truths in a different season of life was refreshing.

Honest conversations

I tend to cover up fears, frustrations, hopes, dreams, concerns….pretty much most emotions with busyness. Having the time to have some honest conversation with spouse, God, kids…even with myself was rejuvenating. Listening to my mind and heart and then to those around me gave me clarity on some things that had been causing unnamed frustrations.

Seeing the hurting world

While I did limit news, I couldn’t help but seeing the painful things going on around us. While time away felt good and part of me wanted to stay in a state of escape, it also renewed me to remember why we’ve chosen a missionary life and called me back to seeking to be a healing agent in a hurting world. We won’t be fully refreshed until heaven.



Brook Maturo
Voices of the Underground

Founder/Executive Director of Church Network Hub. Finance Director at PCY. Former CFO at Underground Network. Wife, mom, lover of tea, books and the ocean.