Dear students, protesters and world-changers,

Tell us why you are marching on the 24th. We want to share your anger and hear your voice.

Voices of the Revolution
3 min readMar 1, 2018


If you are in high school this year, you know that 270 people have died in a school shooting in your lifetime.

If you are in high school this year, you have listened to at least three presidents address an increasingly desensitized public after each school shooting, promising that under their watch it won’t happen again.

You’ve read the retweets, seen the memes, and heard the prime-time rhetoric, all calling for gun reform, and yet the NRA is still able to mobilize its members, and keep Washington on its leash.

If you are in high school this year, you are probably really angry. You are taking matters into your own hands and you say #neveragain.

The Parkland school shooting was the last straw, and you are demanding change.

  • You are speaking and holding rallies. You are making America listen.
  • You say that the time to act is now, and are inspiring direct action around America. You’ve called on corporations and companies affiliated with the NRA to cut ties.
  • You have forced CNN to hold a Town Hall on gun violence, where you confronted Trump and Rubio on their association with the NRA.
  • You’ve staged walk-outs all over the United States, risking suspension but demonstrating that Direct Action is the only way to make us listen.
  • You’ve raised over 2.6 million dollars to go towards March for Our Lives, where you will inspire millions more to declare “now is the appropriate time to talk about gun reform!”

You have done more in the past two weeks than we have done in the past 20 years.

Photo credit: Lorie Shaull

Students! Tell us why you will be marching on the 24th.

We want to hear about your feelings, your stories, and your motivations. We want to share the individual voices which have inspired action all around the United States, and we want to share your anger.

We believe that by publishing 100 of your stories, we will help you force the government to reform its gun laws. We want to know why are you marching on the 24th? Why do you think we need gun reform laws?

Will you share your story with us?

How to take part in this project

What we will publish

We will publish a piece which presents a collection of thoughts from students and teachers all over the United States. We will share your first name, age, and state; or we can write “anonymous” if you prefer.

We will share the piece with our 34,000 followers on Facebook and Twitter.

How to participate

Please either reply below to this piece, or fill our Google Form, which has non-mandatory fields asking your name and age, and a text box for you to share your thoughts or ideas with us.

Who we are

Voices of the Revolution is a publication which depicts a mosaic of views from the Left. We share the issues which matter to us, and highlight voices of from people all over the globe.



Voices of the Revolution

Publishes to ‘Voices of the Revolution’ — a hub for progressive writers around the world.